What a week I'm having! Strawberry Days in PG is awesome/super crazy. I so look forward to it, but my goodness it's just gogogo! The weekend before the big shebang, Cody ran the Utah Valley Marathon with the rest of the Fire Dept. Remember how we ran it together last year? Yeah well, I wised up and opted out this time around. Here he is at the finish line:

Doesn't he look great? Doesn't he look like he didn't just run 26.2 miles? Not only did he do that, he also shaved 30 minutes off his time from last year! Mr. Indcredible!
Cody also just got hired on at Saratoga Springs Fire working part time. He's only worked a few shifts, but so far he really likes it. And speaking of far, do you have any idea how far away S.S. is? I mean it is OUT there, peeps. Waaaaay out there. I almost need to pack provisions before trekking out there for a visit. But I digress... with this new job means more time away from home. He worked an extra shift last week which meant I saw him for about 45 minutes total. When he got off work Wednesday night we took the boys over to the carnival and met up with our friends Mike and Michelle. The kids were having a complete blast!

Bless Cole's little heart, he was getting over strep...but he was making the most of it!

The next afternoon we stopped at the carnival for a few rides. This dragon roller coaster was their favorite, their faces were hilarious.

Saturday morning was the parade and it was the first time Cody was able to watch it with me! It's your typical parade with bands and beauty queens, but the boys loved every second.

So, so many rodeo queens. I have no idea who the first two chicks are... maybe Arabian Princesses?

This kids were laughing so hard at this inflatable can guy.

We got some friends to take the boys to the carnival (yes, again) while Cody and I grabbed some lunch. Then that evening we got on top of the fire station to watch the fireworks.

Strawberry Days is really so much fun, but I'm a little relieved that it's over - I need to save up some energy for the 4th of July!