And just in time, I must say. The weather has FINALLY turned warm and balmy - thank you, June! This was a tough Spring. It was cold and wet (so much rain) and not awesome. Fortunately things are started to dry out and bloom - I'm all about it.
Cache had his Kindergarten graduation and tons of activities during the last week of school. There was a dance festival a few days before school got out and Cache was super stoked about it. Each grade danced to a song, here is Cache stomping away to 'Step In Time'.
That Friday Andrea was in town for a race, so I got to spend the day with her and my Mom and Jess. We lunched with Marty and then hit some of our favorite stores. I introduced Andrea to Decades where she scored a sweet tooled leather bag - I swear, she finds the coolest stuff. All afternoon we shopped, our last stop was at a consignment store called Home Again. We split off and perused some of their cool wares, and then I saw it - I saw this beautiful piece leaning against the wall...a gorgeous, velvet tufted headboard.
It will be mine. I must admit, when I first saw it I didn't love the color. I was like, "Peach? Really?" But I walked over and looked at it closer, convinced it was probably for a Queen size bed. To my surprise? It's a California King size. Win!! And the price? $145. I know. MINE. Small snag, friends - I didn't dare buy it without checking with Cody, so I talked to the owners and they said I could just call and pay for it over the phone if it was still available. To my delight, Cody is on board! I was surprised, I must be honest. I mean, a peach headboard? Really? Tough guy Cody likes it? He's sort of given me cart blanche on decorating the bedroom, so I'm all over it. I called the store this morning and left a message - fingers crossed that I get it!!
In other Summer news, we decided as a family to make a Summer To Do list with all the fun things we want to do. Here is a rough draft:

What other things should I put on there? This doesn't involve some trips Cody and I are planning (Lake Powell) and trips with my family (Lake Powell again), the girls trip and stuff like that, but I need some more ideas of fun stuff to do with our little family. So spill! And Happy Summer!
We love This Is The Place State Park! I think your summer of fun list sounds like a great idea! If you plan it, you will do it. Summer goes by so fast not to enjoy lots of fun activities. Love the headboard, BTW. It is soooo you!
Holy cow, Jewels! I've seen a ton of different crayon monograms and yours turned out fabulous! {And Cache's awkward smile thing? A phase. Hailey went through the same thing. I always had to try to get her to laugh so I could capture a genuine smile.}
Yay for peach headboards and family outing plans. Sounds like so much fun. Love you.
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