And speaking of Cache, homeboy finally got himeself some glasses! Poor dude can't see a thing. He LOVES his glasses - I actually wanted him to get some that looked like Buddy Holly glasses, but these are flexible and look great on him. Doesn't he look so handsome?

Memorial Day brought the Leavers and it's always so fun when they're here. We went to see 'Men in Black III' (super great) and on Sunday they came to our ward and joined us for lunch afterwards. It was fun having them over and just hanging out. Can't wait for them to come back for the 4th of July!
I love driving past the cemetery on Memorial Day because there are so many's so pretty. I tried to capture it, not sure I succeeded, but it's one of my favorite sites.
The biggest thing happening this week is the GIRLS TRIP!!! (panicked scream) Friends, I'm freaking out. The trip is here and I'm super excited about everything, but you know the rad packets I create? Yeah, they are FULLY lacking. Ugh, and I hate that. I have some fun stuff, but gone are the years when I seriously had to curb my spending because they would be filled with so much wonder. I haven't done a 'themed' year in like...ever and apparently I don't operate well if there's no theme to guide me. Any ideas for next year?
All is not lost - I have some great playlists and our sweatshirts are cute. And goodness knows we always have a total blast! I never posted pics from last year, but rather than clog this post up with photos, here's our little slideshow:
Man, that trip was super fun. I hope this year is up to snuff!
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