Yesterday I went to lunch with Kelli and Rosey - we had a complete blast! Rosey lives in Salt Lake and I hardly get to see her - she called and told me she was in town for a few days and suggested that we kidnap Kelli and have lunch together. We ate at Burger Supreme (always SO delish) and chatted for a bit before Kelli had to get back to work. We all used to work together and I miss those days so much! Rosey and I ended up sitting in Kelli's office for another two hours talking...yep.
Love these girls. We're planning on having a 'Twilight DVD' party when it comes out. Don't judge me. I'm so excited!!
Later that evening I was messing around on Facebook (aka: TimeWarp) and saw that my friend Mari was online. She is in my ward and we recently bonded - love her. We chatted for a few minutes and discovered that her house is RIGHT BEHIND MINE. What? How could we have not known that?? We each walked on our back decks and talked across our yards for a few minutes - we both thought we lived farther apart. When we're at our computers we can see each other - her window is right there. See?

Yep. We're nerds. We totally took pictures of each other through the windows. Guess I can't dance naked anymore at night. Haha! I'm kidding! I'll still do that. Anyway, we chatted for another hour and made all kinds of plans for the coming weeks (you heard me, Mari - weeks! We have lots of stuff to pack in!). She's so great - maybe we should build a fort that spans over both our yards?
Now I must sign off so I can get ready to leave town. Oh, yes! I'm off to Vegas! I'm headed down for the weekend to see my sister and I am SO stoked. I'm driving down with my Mom, Jess and Randi. There will be much laughing, eating and little sleeping. How great is that? I'm off to pack - Viva Las Vegas!
Have so much fun in Vegas! I'm jealous. Oh, and don't stop the naked dancing. Your neighbors will be SO disappointed!:)
oooo Julia! I'm totally diggin' the fort idea!! I've got tons of blankets and clothes pins!! lol.
Notice the time? Yes, it is 3:30 AM. I CAN'T FALL ASLEEP! Help!!! Maybe I'll try some of that blinds are closed right? haha.
Well, dearie, I'm glad you're home from Vegas. We'll have to play ever so soon.
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