It snowed last night. SNOWED. Last night. Remember how I was all passive about it snowing again in my last post? Something like, "Oh, I know it's probably going to snow again..." Yeah, well, sure didn't expect it to snow 8 hours later. Thbtbtbtptpt.
Last night Tanya came over and we had a fabulous time! After the boys went to bed we made French Toast for dinner (yum) and settled in to watch the American Idol results. Tom showed up and joined us for the last few minutes and we all desserted on some croissants that Tanya had made in her culinary class. Delish!

We ended the night by watching "Much Ado About Nothing", one of my favorite movies. We were all consumed in the glorious, warm Italian countryside that is shown in almost every scene. Everyone is tan and showered in rose petals...I want to go to there. My thoughts were lingering somewhere in Tuscany when I walked Tom and Tanya to the door. We were STUNNED to see hundreds of ginormous snowflakes! Seriously, they were massive. PS - I had to brighten up the pics so you could see all the snow...
Here are Tanya and I standing in the snow - I was laughing because I'm standing in the slushy slush in my socks.
Like my Bon Jovi t-shirt? Bad Medicine, baby. While I'm sad to see the lovely Spring weather go, the falling snow was really beautiful. I LOVE how quiet it is when it snows at night...gorgeous. And I got to watch the snow falling in the streetlight!
Needless to say, another fantastic tri-date was had by all. I am missing Cody and it was great to have some friends over. Everyone come over, we'll have a ball! Of course, now with all this snow I'm not quite sure what to do with my freshly purchased sidewalk chalk...
Um, how cute are you and Tawnya???
That kind of snow is my very favorite. Despite loving the 70 degree Phoenix weather, I do admit I miss quiet, peaceful snowy nights like that.
Love you to death. Call me tomorrow!
Don't you worry, dear heart! It was a beautiful snow storm but the sun was so bright today! It's March---they can't hurt us too bad; and I love you! XO
I'm excited for spring to come also. Walks in the park and tip toeing through the tulips... (le sigh)
Come on spring!
it is still snowing!!!! ahhh utah spring teasing...its supposed to be spring cleaning usnt it lol!!!!
sidewalk chalk! that sounds like a lot of fun! did we play hopscotch together? you have the best memory so i have to ask you. maybe we were too old to play hopscotch.
here in ny we got dumped with snow last Monday (we're talking schools closed snow) and six days later it was 60 degrees and people were in tshirts. this back and forth makes it interesting!
i love you julia ---
Oh, I do know how annoying snow can be! It was 60 degrees here on Sat. and then it snowed all day today!
AAAgggghhh---threw me into a bit of a tizzy...
Okay Julia, where do you find all of your cute images you post??? I tried to call you last night (I couldn't find you in the book) to see if it was okay to borrow your picture of the lady on the swing. I don't know the blogging etiquette. I'm not sure if you paid for it or what. Anyway, you'll have to let me know where to find all of the cute stuff. Also, are you still making all of those cute onesies? I have a fab idea for you if you are! Let me know:)
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