That is where I am, in case you're wondering. In Limboland. Cody and I are currently residing with my wonderful parents while we wait to close on our new house. The Patch's have been more than generous and we are doing what we can to be good house guests. Most of our belongings are boxed in a ginormous trailer and we're doing our best to get by with what we have. We sleep in the same room with our two boys and that has actually gone smoother than I thought it would! Cache thinks this is just a huge adventure, so he's having a great time. Cole is kind of off track, but soon we'll be able to move in and have a home to call our own. Forgive my lack of posting! Don't abandon me! We just set up our computer today so hopefully I'll be able to update my dear blog more often. But for now, the natives of Limboland need me...
In the move...
I'm sitting on my floor where my desk used to sit. Cody and I just had dinner on the floor in our empty Family Room. Our house is littered with boxes, packing tape and dents in the carpet. Today was a HUGE day for us! We had lots of help moving (thank you EVERYONE!) and got so much done. We still have tons to do, moving is not the coolest, but we're making serious headway. We have to be out by tomorrow evening...oh dear. It still hasn't hit me that we're leaving this house - I'm not sure when it actually will hit me. I have so many things to blog about, so many things to cover and pictures to post. Sigh...they will have to wait, dear BC fans. My small break from packing is over, but just a quick update - we made an offer on a house that was accepted and we are SO excited! It's in a great area and the house has so much potential - we're going to make it awesome, trust me. We signed over our house yesterday and soon we will wave goodbye to this lovely home that has been so great to us. For visual interest, here are some pictures of the momentus signing at Adam's office...
Cody makes me laugh -

Staged? This photo? Of course not.

I'll be back soon to fill you in on the many other trivial tidbits that have been keeping me busy. Wish us luck, we're on the move!
A little R&R...
Bah! This past week has been super crazy and to top everything off, we didn't have the internet for four days. I don't recommend this. I'm so behind! Lets get down to business..

Last Thursday was Cache's final day of swim lessons. He wanted to give his teacher a picture, so I drew a little fish and Cache colored it. I wrote a thank you note on the back of the picture and Cache insisted on sealing the letter with a heart. Cache did such a great job in her class, he's more comfortable in the water and I wasn't sure that would ever happen. She was a great teacher, we're going to miss Amber!
Friday was the big day for Rich and Randi! It's been raining every day for a week and we were all kinds of nervous that it might rain on their wedding day. As fate would have it, not one drop fell! The day was GORGEOUS! The ceremony was so awesome and I think my favorite part was when Andrea, Marty and I hugged Richard in the sealing room. We got in a tight circle, put our fists together and said, "Famuhlees!" (Don't worry, it makes sense to us). We are all so close and it was rad to share that moment together - we welcomed Rich to the Married Club, we've all found our someone.

It was a marvelous day - filled with love, family and ice cream. The day was absolutely perfect! Congratulations, R&R!
On Saturday morning Cody ran the Utah Valley Marathon with 27 other PG Firefighters!! I'm so proud of all of them, it was not an easy fete! The marathon ran right past our house, so I got out of bed, threw on some running gear and went out to wait for Cody. I only waited about 20 minutes before I spotted him! I joined up with him and we ran the last 5 miles side by side. He's been feeling it all weekend, but he did so great. Way to go, Code! (He's the one laying down in the front...aren't I lucky?).
This week is going to be totally crazy. I'm not looking forward to it at all. I'm completely panicking about the fact that we close in one week and have no where to go. We found a house that we are wanting to put an offer on and we'll probably do that today. If all goes well, we'll be able to move our stuff directly there rather than put it in storage or something. Did I tell you that we were thinking of renting a house through the City for super cheap? Yeah well, we walked through that house and there is no way we can do it. It's in such bad condition - it's terrifying. I'm positive that place is haunted. Even if we got it cleaned and sanitized...we don't feel good about it. So if this offer goes through it will be a seamless move!...right? That doesn't mean I'm still not freaking out. We have so much to do and I sincerely hope we can do it all.

It was sunny and clear when Rich and Randi came out of the Temple - aren't they they most handsome couple ever?


Brothers proving they can be manly whilst holding purses.

Randi looked stunning, her dress was incredible. She is so beautiful!!

The reception...

Our colorful shoes!

Rich's friends had a wee bit of fun decorating the car!

We're off!

On top of that, I have to write a script by tomorrow for a skit the YW in my Ward will perform at Girls Camp. Then we have the Open House for R&R this Thursday. After that I drive up with Andrea to Logan so we can run Ragnar on Friday and Saturday. I hope I do alright! I'm kind of excited for that...I keep telling myself that it will be fun! Sunday is our last day in our ward (sad face) and I believe we sign our closing papers on Monday. We'll finish packing everything up and we'll be out by Wednesday. Ugh, I think I'm getting an ulcer...
House Envy
House hunting is not my favorite. It used to be fun, but it's quickly losing it's luster. We still haven't found a house and we close in two weeks. There are a few possibilities, but nothing solid yet. We're going to rent a house that PG City owns until we find something permanent. We keep going back and forth between building a home or just buying one. What to do! Cody and I are HUGE fans of Craftsman style homes, so that is the look we are going for. However, there aren't any Craftsman style homes for sale right now. Lame. If we had our way, we would be living in something like this...

Tomorrow we're going to look at some houses. None of them look like this, however. Sigh...I'll keep you posted!
Moving Sale!

I really wish I could stay and chat, but I still have much to do to get ready for tomorrow. You better be stopping by!
June has arrived!

Provo is SO beautiful right now - the mountains especially. Everything is super green and lush, so pretty! Not to mention that everything in my yard is blooming, but that's another post...

I'm glad we got to do this at the beginning of the Summer, now he's set for the Season.

Yesterday was Cache's first day of swim lessons! He is not the biggest fan of the water, so I wasn't sure how he would do. Mari called me last week and said that she had signed Drew up for swim lessons and that there was some openings in his class - sweet! I called Provo Rec and signed Cache up right away. I knew if he was swimming with his Best Friend things might go a little smoother. The boys were SO excited to get in the pool! The class is only 30 minutes and is 4 times a week for two weeks. Not bad! Why didn't I do this earlier?
Cache and Drew with their teacher, Amber. She's the bomb.

Cache practicing the ice cream scoop stroke...it makes sense, trust me.
Me and a very wet little boy. This was the best picture we could muster, Cache couldn't really keep his eyes open and I was obviously trying to pose for a Reader's Digest cover.
Besties! Chlorinated boys after swim class!

The beginning of June also marks the reality that Cody and I are closing on our house in three weeks. 3. Weeks. What? I'm not ready!! I had no idea where we are going to move, but what I can tell you is that we are having a yard sale on Saturday. A moving sale of epic proportions! What's going to be in it? No idea - not yet, anyway. Cody and I are going through our home like mad this week to get things ready for the sale. We're so not ready, but it has to happen - this is the only Saturday we have until we move! Cody has a marathon next weekend and I have Ragnar the weekend after that. So mark it on your calendars - this Saturday at 8:00am!
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