Provo is SO beautiful right now - the mountains especially. Everything is super green and lush, so pretty! Not to mention that everything in my yard is blooming, but that's another post...

I'm glad we got to do this at the beginning of the Summer, now he's set for the Season.

Yesterday was Cache's first day of swim lessons! He is not the biggest fan of the water, so I wasn't sure how he would do. Mari called me last week and said that she had signed Drew up for swim lessons and that there was some openings in his class - sweet! I called Provo Rec and signed Cache up right away. I knew if he was swimming with his Best Friend things might go a little smoother. The boys were SO excited to get in the pool! The class is only 30 minutes and is 4 times a week for two weeks. Not bad! Why didn't I do this earlier?
Cache and Drew with their teacher, Amber. She's the bomb.

Cache practicing the ice cream scoop stroke...it makes sense, trust me.
Me and a very wet little boy. This was the best picture we could muster, Cache couldn't really keep his eyes open and I was obviously trying to pose for a Reader's Digest cover.
Besties! Chlorinated boys after swim class!

The beginning of June also marks the reality that Cody and I are closing on our house in three weeks. 3. Weeks. What? I'm not ready!! I had no idea where we are going to move, but what I can tell you is that we are having a yard sale on Saturday. A moving sale of epic proportions! What's going to be in it? No idea - not yet, anyway. Cody and I are going through our home like mad this week to get things ready for the sale. We're so not ready, but it has to happen - this is the only Saturday we have until we move! Cody has a marathon next weekend and I have Ragnar the weekend after that. So mark it on your calendars - this Saturday at 8:00am!
Do you guya know where your moving to yet= Oh and dont let stress get to you,holler really loud. I need a trip away from arkansas heheheh)))) Glenda
You crack me up! Readers Digest... he he he, well you do look good. One of these years I will do swim lessons for my kids. How fun for Cache! Its to hard for me with two and a baby. Good luck on the Yard Sale. I have to say gutting, organizing, and cleaning things up and out feels so good. Take care, miss ya! jenn
I love summer!! Cute pictures. I love kids in swim lessons... it's the cutest thing in the world! Good luck on your yard sale and moving, etc. Very exciting!
Yay for pictures! Our boys are awesome, arent' they?
If you're staying around Provo through september (renting or whatever) you should sign Cache up for start smart soccer with Drew. $25 dollars for the whole season. Wouldn't that be fun???
See me try to lure you to Provo. . . haha
I so wish I could be there for your yard sale! i did always love going through your stuff ;)!
I miss Provo SO much. We're getting browner and browner down here . . .
I also love Cache and his BFF. SO cute!
I love summer also----but I have to work---so it isn't because of time off!
good luck on your garage sale!!!
I love the pic. I know the point is Cache and his swimming lessonness, but you look GORG.
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