

That is where I am, in case you're wondering. In Limboland. Cody and I are currently residing with my wonderful parents while we wait to close on our new house. The Patch's have been more than generous and we are doing what we can to be good house guests. Most of our belongings are boxed in a ginormous trailer and we're doing our best to get by with what we have. We sleep in the same room with our two boys and that has actually gone smoother than I thought it would! Cache thinks this is just a huge adventure, so he's having a great time. Cole is kind of off track, but soon we'll be able to move in and have a home to call our own. Forgive my lack of posting! Don't abandon me! We just set up our computer today so hopefully I'll be able to update my dear blog more often. But for now, the natives of Limboland need me...

1 comment:

Tayva said...

You're GREAT guests. You can be marooned at my house anytime! XO, Mommy