Cache loved it and was very proud taking it to school, but I realize I should have had a game plan before I started making it. Maybe I can make him a monster truck one next year.
Here are the invites I (stole from my sister) made for Cache's class.
They were very simple and easy, but you know what? They were the only custom ones. I know! Apparently preschool is much more cutthroat than Kindergarten. Cache's owlvines were in a sea of store bought cards.
Cody had the day off, so my dear friend Celine watched my boys while Cody and I went to lunch. He then took the kids to the gym and ran some errands which left me the afternoon to read through some magazines, nap and relax. My goodness he's a great man. Once he got home we thought it'd be fun to take the kids to get a movie and grab some pizza.
Before we left, however, Cody gave me a tight hug and was holding something behind his back. It was a little box...with this inside.
We sent the kids down to the play room with their movie and Cody and I feasted on pizza and watched some of our shows. A very simple Valentine's Day, not even roses. But my husband carved our initials in a tree, isn't he a Prince?
Love! Love. Love. Love.
Yay for lovely love.
p.s. Perhaps your dad could reserve a M+B necklace? Mike just doesn't know how romantic he is yet.
i want, i want. i LOVE woodgrain and i've been wanting a personalized necklace but haven't seen one i really like. what's he charging for those bad boys! i'm very, very interested...
LOVE the necklace, LOVE the Valentine's box, LOVE the cute invites you made and LOVE your creativity!!! Glad you had a great Valentines!
Ooooh, I do love! I am a big believer that jewelry should be personal. Nice job Cody!
blog stalker here. I think your dad should sell those necklaces in etsy so I can go buy one.
I've thought about that! Hmmm...maybe we should arrange that.
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