It was a little chaotic getting everything together for the opening, but as per usual everything came together and we have a delightful show. The COSTUMES are to die for. For reals. I can't post pictures until after my sister sees the show this weekend (I'm making her wait - the suspense is killing her, I know. Also, she's bringing her family up from Vegas to see the play, what's your excuse?). The cast is second to none - probably my favorite I've ever worked with. I'm paired with Jeff Thompson again, my (favorite ever) leading man from 'And Then There Were None'. He is such a stellar chap. Bert and Charlie (who play Cecily and Algernon) are a newly married couple and a total blast, Dennis is a PGP regular and I worked with Debra (who plays Miss Prism) a few years back and I absolutely adore her. Then of course, is Tayva Patch. My mom is timeless and SO good in this play, I'm so lucky to do this with her I could pop.
My Dad came to opening night and surprised my Mom and I with ginormous bouquets before the show. Here we are in our tiny dressing room.

I'm so excited to see it!
Jewels you are SO great and I am dying to see the pics of the costumes... Tell Andrea to hurry and see the show cause the anticipation is getting to be more than I can handle.
And why I live 700 miles away is beyond me when you are center stage and being amazing yet again! (I told my parents though and they really want to come and see it! So I will live vicariously through them.) LOVE YOU! Missing you.
I've seen the show twice, I'll see it again this Friday, and I also bought tickets for closing night on the 21st. Yes, it's that good! (And I'm not boasting, but I've already managed to sleep with Lady Bracknell!) Julia's right, great show and great cast.
Signed: Lord Bracknell
I really can't wait! See you soon!
Brian! Ha HAAAAAAAAAaAaaaaaaa...
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