What am I loving?
Our stacked stone walls!!

Are you joking me right now? I mean, seriously. How amazing is that. AAHHHHHH! I am SO obsessed, I can't stop staring at them. Rest-assured that Cody and I did not do that ourselves. No, sir. We thought we could do and had planned on doing it, but after we stayed up until 2:30am just applying the scratch coat...we got wise. We hired some guys to come set the stone and it is the best money we have ever spent. They did it in two days and BAM. DONE. It would have taken us 3 months. At least.
Do you know what this means!?? It means that our kitchen might almost be done! We have some small things to tackle, but it's almost done! You know, 20 months later. Who cares, it's gorgeous and incredible and totes worth the wait.
Cody is installing the hood above the stove this week and also finishing up the mantle for the living room (it will match our countertops. Marvy.). We had talked about finishing up a bunch of other things before Christmas, but I think that plane has sailed. You see, friends, I'm pregnant. And I'm tired. This pregnancy has really taken a lot out of me and while I think I should still be able to go full speed and do everything normally, I just can't. I get so exhausted. The other night I was feeling so overwhelmed and sad that my house wasn't all glossy and finished and bedecked in Holiday splendor (I know, even with my pretty stone walls I was sad face). Fortunately my fantastic friend Celine stopped by and cheered me up by helping me put lights on my Christmas tree. It may seem like a small thing, but having that light in the living room and that little thing done fully energized me to just get decorated already. It was just the shot in the arm that I needed. Projects can wait - Christmas cannot. I've spent the last two days getting everything up that I can. Sooo much tinsel. Pictures to come!
So you should probably come to dinner next week. Our house will be decorated and did I mention that we have stellar stone walls?
Those are some gorgeous walls--wow--lookin' GOOD! XOXO (p.s. 'that plane has sailed'?! Hilarious!)
Jewels!!! The stone looks INCREDIBLE. So happy for you guys to have that finished! Gorgeous! And, yay Celine for helping out. Love her.
Jewels, that looks AMAZING. You guys have such good taste. Can't wait to see it all finished.
And you do more in one day than all the pregnant women I know combined. I'm not sure how many that is but probably lots and lots.
I'm glad you had some help to put up your Christmas cheer, I'm sure it also looks marvy.
Wow! Great taste you guys! Those walls are killer!
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