Happy Easter! We had a GORGEOUS weekend and we celebrated in all kinds of Spring splendor. As is customary with Utah Springs, the weather is totally unpredictable. This is not new info, but I have to admit that this year the weather has been all kinds of random. Fer rills. Example? Friday morning there was a full on blizzard blowing outside. Wha? Sideways snow, frigid temps...just brrr. THEN Saturday morning is all clear and blue and warm and marvy. Whatever, Spring.

I'm so glad the weather was great because Saturday was the annual Easter party at Grandma Kae's. I don't know how this woman does it, but she single-handedly fills and hides eggs all over her lawn for all of her grandchildren and great-grandchildren. There's like...312 kids. Each kid gets like 15 eggs, they all have their own color/pattern to look for, they each have their own special bag to collect eggs in. Again, I don't know how she does it, but every year she pulls it off. After the little ones get their haul we sit down for a yummy lunch and visiting with family. The sun felt soooo good, it was such a pretty day.
Cole getting down to business.

Cache and his cousin Erik enjoying their spoils.

After the party we ran some errands, came home and sent the boys to bed so Cody and I could set out Easter. Last year I went all out for the boys, but this year? Yeah...that didn't happen. I feel bad I didn't do more, I feel so unorganized. Next year, right? We filled eggs and made a trail for each of them from their bedroom to their baskets that we put on the bar, then we hid eggs in the living room. Cache wondered why there was a trail of eggs and I explained to him that I told the Easter Bunny I didn't much appreciate him leaving muddy footprints all over my house last year for me to clean up, so I made him wipe his paws before leaving their treats. He bought it.

Oooh! A wee cherub!

Then we made a big breakfast with bacon and....well, eggs. Duh. Easter.

Late this afternoon we went to Cody's parents for dinner and yet another egg hunt. Dinner was DELISH, complete with deviled eggs and red punch (my faves).

The kids ran around the yard finding as many eggs as they could, which was about 15 each. Again, seems like a daunting task to me - well done, Jolley parents!

Then we just relaxed in the backyard, chatting and relaxing. It was fantastic. I love that family, let me tell you what. The day was so, so beautiful and we hung out outside until the sun went down.
I think I've sort of taken Easter for granted the past...ever. But man, what a great Holiday. It's like a second Christmas. Not only do you get to surprise your children and do fun things for each other, but you get to focus on the Savior and the wonderful gift of the Atonement. It's like a refresher. It's this wonderful feeling of starting new and fresh. You get to spend time with family and reflect on what's really important. Best Easter ever.
1 comment:
Easter really is the best! Mostly because I could eat my weight in deviled eggs and not even bat an eye! Oh and of course for all the other sentiments mentioned above... ;)
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