Jolley Holidays! Things have been full of craziness and laziness since Christmas - my apologies for my lack in posting. Christmas was incredible and I'm looking forward to ringing in the New Year...complete with a long list of resolutions. I will return with many an update. Until then? I hope you have a festive evening! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!
'Twas the night before...

I LOVE Christmas Eve! The anticipation, the magic, the cannot be matched. I often wonder if I look forward to the Eve of Christmas more than the actual Holiday. I practically jumped out of bed this morning and have been singing and dancing ever since...even when disciplining my wee sugar plum fairies (who, it seems, sometimes act in a way to diminish my Christmas spirit - they shall not succeed!). My home is filled with Christmas music, movies, it smells of pine and cinnamon...
Where did December go? Can I ask? This month always goes too fast and I think most of us are left scrambling to get everything done in time. Did I make enough cookies? Did I wrap everything? Did I decorate everywhere? Did we sing carols? The other day I went out to run some last minute errands with my Mom and Jess...and the baby boys. It was quite the adventure! The day was a complete white-out. It was snowing so hard and it snowed ALL DAY. I snapped many pictures because, while treacherous, it was SO beautiful!
This park by house is filled with huge trees. I love when all the branches are covered in snow, it's so pretty...
The road up to my parents house...
Christmas lights at dusk during a snowstorm? Is anything more beautiful?
We drove carefully from stop to stop and completed our errands late that afternoon. I came home and started dinner, dreading the 8 inches of snow I would have to shovel once the boys were in bed. Ah, not so!
For my Knight in Shining Armor (also known as my Father-in-law who is solid gold) came to my rescue on his snowplow 4-wheeler. Cache put on his coat and gloves and ran outside to help Grandpa clear the snow. After the walks were clear, Gary gave Cache some coins and said, "Put these in a safe place and when it's Summertime, we'll go get a Coke."

My excitement for today and tomorrow is obvious, but I am also feeling so blessed and lucky at this time of year. I have a delightful, beautiful family whom I love so very much. A husband who is my heart and my match in every way. A warm home, brothers and sisters who are my best friends - friends! I have the greatest friends in the world, hands down. I am grateful for the true meaning of this wonderful season, of the love of a Savior who we celebrate on this most sacred of Holidays. I am so humbled. I love the Gospel with all my heart, I am truly grateful.
I hope you have the Merriest of Christmases! From our 'Jolley Holiday' to yours!
Snow in the Streetlight
Cody and I were up really late last night finishing a batch of caramel (yummy). As I was going through the house turning off all the lights, I checked outside to see if it was snowing. I stared at one spot for a few seconds and couldn't tell...didn't see any snow. I opened up my door and stepped out on our porch and checked the streetlight that is just outside my house. I saw the snow flurries and immediately was flooded with memories of watching the snow fall at night with my sister. It was so quiet and still outside. I snapped some pictures of the snow in the streetlight for my sister, who I miss SO very much right now. I love her, she is my bestie. Merry Christmas, sis!
Christmas Dinner
Last night we had a few friends over for a casual Holiday feast of sorts. We sat and talked in the kitchen while the kids played around the house and wore each other out (bonus!). It was so nice to hang out. The dinner was mighty tasty and after we were full we made gingerbread houses! I put on some festive tunes and we got right down to business. It was a messy craft, but so much fun. I always love seeing what everyone creates. The kids were especially eager about this portion of the evening - they ate most of the candy before it reached their frosted dwellings.
Our equipment
Ann's ginger-palace complete with garage!
My snowy cottage...
Adam's solar-powered gingerbread house.
Cache putting some last minute touches on his 4 story ginger condo (Cody may have had something to do with that...)
Morgan and her cute house! Please note the candy in her hand and in her mouth...she's so cute.
Our Gingerhood
After we said goodnight to everyone, Cache wanted to sing through some of his favorite Christmas songs. Here we are singing, "I Want a Hippopotamus for Christmas". And now a hippo tops Cache's Christmas list. Along with a dragon. Awesome.
Santa's got a brand new bag!
How great is this? Merry Christmas to me! Andrea drew my name this year and a few days ago mailed me this GORGEOUS green bag. I love it. Yeah yeah, it's a few days before Christmas, but whatevs - I couldn't wait. The size is perfect and it has the enviable single strap - I adore it. Thank you, sis!
Kate was in town this weekend and we were able to record some songs on Friday afternoon. It was SO much fun! Hannah met us there and we recorded 'Blessing' and 'Homeward Bound'. We messed around and sang some random was a blast.
Hannah and I haven't recorded anything together for almost 4 years, and the three of us haven't recorded anything in 7. It's been a while! It was really fun being in a studio again. We'll have to polish up some more songs and go back next time she's in town.
That night Rhonda, Kate and I went to dinner at Los Hermanos. Always delish. We laughed our heads off and took lots of pictures.
After we ate we went to see Twilight (yes, it's my third time). Rhonda hadn't seen it yet and she loved it! We grabbed some treats and ended up at my house. Hannah came over and we talked for a bit before starting 'Pillow Talk'. Hannah had never seen it - and still hasn't, she slept through most of it! Rhonda and I are die-hards (or idiots) and we stayed awake for the whole thing. It was an eeearly morning, but it was so much fun to hang out with the girls.
Saturday night I had a show with The Thrillionaires. It was SO great! The cast was elite - Brett, Matt, Maclain, Lisa and Hailey. We wore tacky Christmas sweaters and the show was a complete blast. I love it so much! I don't have any shows until next month, so a few weeks off will be nice. But come January, onward Thrills!

Are you ready for Christmas? Is anyone ready for Christmas? I can't believe it's NEXT WEEK and I am so not prepared. Christmas music! I found this lovely little album on iTunes a few weeks back and fell in love with these songs:
All My Bells Are Ringing - Lenka
The Christmas Song - Catherine Feeney
Blue Christmas - Nicole Atkins
Silent Night - Priscilla Ahn
Winter Wonderland - Kate Havnevik
I listen to them every time I get in my car. Go get 'em! Oh, has everyone sent out their Christmas cards already? Am I the only one who hasn't done that yet? Or made a gingerbread house?...
Bringing Classy Back

Our society has become so casual. I realize that a big part of it is that casual is practical. I love getting dressed up, but I realize that wearing a pencil skirt and heels whilst chasing kids around your house all day is not possible. It's hard to get sassied when you have little hands grabbing at your earrings, leaving bits of food on your shoulder and pulling off your bracelets. But what about just upping the ante a wee bit? Bringing classy back? Making an effort to look fresh and put together and in my case, incorporating some vintage pin ache. I can't seem to decide whether I want to look like a 40's bombshell or be a jeans and t-shirt chick, but I think the fact that I aspire to be both is a start. I'm going to do it. I'm going to get glam. I'm bringing classy back!...just as soon as I can find where my son hid my nail polish...
Decking The Halls
My house is finally decorated! Well...almost. We still have to put lights on one of our trees (we have 6), set up our village and put some faux presents on top of the cabinets in the kitchen. I LOVE my house at Christmas! The stockings are hung above the computer with care...
It's been a crazy few days! Last week I helped my Mom get her house all decorated for a wedding reception that was held at their house. It was so much fun spending time up there with her decorating and listening to Christmas music. Her house looks gorgeous!
Last Wednesday we went to pick out our Christmas tree! We go to the same lot every year - Baum's Christmas Trees. It spreads across a few lawns up in Grandview and they have a HUGE selection. This year we walked straight to the section of flocked trees and perused for a minute or two, walked through the evergreens to the next group of flocked firs and instantly saw the perfect tree! We paid the man and loaded the tree in our car - the entire trip took us less than 10 minutes. Record time! And our tree is the bomb. Or...'Baum'. We still have bags and BAGS of ornaments to put on it, but here is a sampling. What am I saying? I'm not done decorating...
I haven't delved into the world of Christmas shopping just yet, but I have dabbled. My husband is quite possibly hardest man to shop for, along with my parents...and his parents...AND dearest BC readers, the time has come for the 'Stocking Contest' between Cody and I. Last year I won by a landslide when I presented Cody with a ring that had our son's named engraved on it. You can be sure that Cody is planning something spectacular to win this year, but we can't let that happen, can we! Any ideas? Send them my way...
I better finish bedecking, and why isn't it snowing?
There is too much...
I am so behind on blogging - shameful. I have much to fill you in on, but where to start? So many trivial tidbits...The season has consumed me with the usual bustle and craziness, I have little time to get things done and I already feel like I'm missing out on Christmas goodness. However, rather than list off the highlights of the past week, I opted to play a wee game of 'Christmas Tag' that was on my friend's blog. Lucky you! Here we go..
Do you like Eggnog or Hot Chocolate? Yes. Equally delicious!
Does Santa wrap presents or just put them under the tree? Can't answer for the big man, but we generally wrap all our presents. Unless it's too big or awkward to wrap...or if I'm too tired on Christmas Eve and simply don't care...
Colored lights on tree/house or just white? I'm with Shaunee on this one - before I was married I was ALL about white lights - didn't fancy the colorful ones. Now we have colored lights on our house, in our yard, on one of our trees. They look so festive! On our main Christmas tree, however, we still use white lights (old habits die hard).
Do you hang mistletoe? Yes! I don't really enforce it, however, unless it's Cody. But you may just get a wee kiss on the out.
When do you put up decorations? I start after Halloween....
What's your favorite Holiday dish? It's not really a dish, but I love the dinner we have on Christmas Eve with Cody's family. It's always SO delish.
What is your favorite Holiday memory as a child? My parents would set up barricades so we couldn't get into the Living Room on Christmas morning until we ate breakfast and did the dishes. They placed them just right so we couldn't see anything! We would lean and stretch to see if we could steal a peek and we never succeeded. I loved that...
Do you open a gift on Christmas Eve? We used to when we were little, but we haven't really started that tradition yet. I love opening all of them in the morning!
How do you decorate your Christmas tree? Lots of lights, lots of's very festive and bright.
Snow! Love it or dread it? I love snow, I just hate to drive in it. There's nothing better than a white Christmas, am I right?
Can you ice skate? I can...I just choose not to.
Do you remember your favorite gift? Wow, too many to choose from, I've had amazing Christmases. One that does come to mind is the first year Cody and I were married he gave me a Firefighter Maltese necklace. It made me cry.
What is the most important thing about the Holidays for you? Being with family, enjoying every minute of the Holiday. I love creating new traditions with my own little family!
What is your favorite Holiday dessert? Jolley caramel!! Seriously, is there anything better? We make it ever year and it is to die for. I eat it for breakfast, lunch and dinner. It's true. If you've been good this year, perhaps I will make you some.
What tops your tree? A vintage tinsel star.
Which do you prefer, giving or receiving? Well, if I say 'receiving' I sound like a brat, don't I? I love giving gifts because I love seeing their face when they open it!
What is your favorite Christmas song? 'Baby, it's cold outside', 'The man with the bag', 'Hey, Santa!', 'Snow', 'The bell that couldn't jingle', the Scrooge soundtrack...hundreds more! I love Christmas music, I listen to it all year long.
Candy Canes? Ew, no - I hate peppermint. I love how they look, so I use them to decorate and have them in the house for others to eat, I just don't partake. Ew.
Do you feel Christmas is too commercialized? Not really. I know what Christmas is all about and I love teaching my kids about it. I kind of like being saturated in it - it's only for 4 weeks and it's fun!
Favorite Christmas movie? Scrooge, White Christmas, Elf, It's a Wonderful Life....
And there we have it! Now go do it on your blog. Upcoming posts? Family, bringing classy back, good friends, old movie club...stay tuned!
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