I grew up on Center Street and in front of our house there was a streetlight. We relied heavily on this streetlight many a time - to help friends find our house, to shed light on our all-night parties on the fourth of July, etc. There it stood, ever helpful, always on. The most important purpose of this light, however, was during Wintertime. Every time it snowed, my brothers and sister and I would pile on the couch in our living room and watch the snow fall in the glow of the streetlight. We would sit there forever, just watching the snow. We all loved to watch it, but my sister Andrea was the biggest fan. She would always be the last to leave the couch. I remember there being a fire in the fireplace, the smell of the Christmas tree, us in our pajamas pressed up next to the cold window...warm memories. When my parents were building our next home, they insisted on having a streetlight put in on our drive so that my sister could watch the snow fall.
Cody and I were up really late last night finishing a batch of caramel (yummy). As I was going through the house turning off all the lights, I checked outside to see if it was snowing. I stared at one spot for a few seconds and couldn't tell...didn't see any snow. I opened up my door and stepped out on our porch and checked the streetlight that is just outside my house. I saw the snow flurries and immediately was flooded with memories of watching the snow fall at night with my sister. It was so quiet and still outside. I snapped some pictures of the snow in the streetlight for my sister, who I miss SO very much right now. I love her, she is my bestie. Merry Christmas, sis!
I feel like one of a lucky few who actually got to experience your Center Street home.
Swinging in the back hammock, climbing the loft, the stain glass, the artwork...etc.
What a great house!
I hope my kids miss this house one day. Ps That post made me cry.
Awww I love snow at night in the street lights. We had one in front of our house on the busy street. Still do, now that I think about it(!) and we used to do the exact same thing!
I love you!! Merry Christmas!
That, too, is seriously my one and only favorite thing about winter. It never ceases to make me stop and stare...the snow fall in a lamp light.
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