Ahh, Le Love. I love Valentines Day - I love all Holidays, it's true, but I have a special place in my heart for this one (cliche?). The best part is that I get to spend today with my sweetheart. We are going to spend the day together, just him and me. We started the day with heart-shaped pancakes and we're about to make some cookies with the boys. Yeah, I'm aware how cheesy that sounds just typing it out...'tis the day for gooey overload! I hope you have a marvelous day full of kisses. Happy Valentines Day!!
HAPPY VALENTINES! k- I felt like a major stalker yesterday, I went through about 4 pages of your blog to catch up on YOUR life that I have missed for so many years. Your boys are adorable and look like you. I love your blog, and your personality crack's me up. Take care!
I love you! Happy Valentines Day and have SO MUCH FUN with all your gorgeous men!
I hope you and each of the lovely boys in your life had an especially wonderful Valentine's Day! I love you, dear heart. Kisses to all of you!
So sappy and so nice!
Love it!
(sigh) pitter pat, pitter pat... is the sound of my heart beating to this sweet Valentines post!
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