Dinner Theater for Lovers! The weekend of Valentines, I performed with the Thrillionaires for two nights for a Dinner Theater. We did one last Summer and since
that was such a smash hit, they asked us to do it again. We had the best crowd's, both nights were sold out! I had a total blast. The songs were fun, including a little melody I sang, "Cupid can be stupid...don't worry, and don't be blue-pid....now it's up to you-pid..."
Here's our lovely cast: Jake, Maclain, Me, Brigham, Lisa and David!

Ahh, the young lovers.

The next night followed suit - it was so hilarious and everything just worked so well. Awesome show! Bob and Jeff joined our cast that night. Bob was even willing to get his legs broken for love. I mean, who wouldn't?

Despite my obvious advances, Jeff wanted nothing to do with me.

Me with the Lovely Lisa.

Aside from the performances, Cody and I had a mushy Valentines weekend. We got to spend all day Saturday together (thanks for watching the boys, Steph!). We went to lunch and furniture stores and Home Depot...because that's what do you on romantic outings. Cody surprised me with roses on Sunday morning, got the boys ready for Church and made every meal. Isn't he a total Prince? Hope you had an ooey, gooey day of love!
Gotta love a guy who makes all of the meals AND gets the kids ready for church!
Your Thrills cast look like they are an absolute hoot! What a fun idea for a Valentine's date night!
Mike told me he wanted to surprise me with tickets to one of the shows, but they'd already sold out! :(
I'm glad it was such a success, though. Love you!
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