I don't know what it is about farm life, but sometimes it romances the dickens out of me. It could be because the only farm life I'm ever exposed to is through movies or visiting Grandma Doreen or getting fresh vegetables from our old neighbor, George (haven't you noticed that farmers are some of the most generous people?). Something about it makes me long to plant a big garden, wear and apron, make big breakfasts and have a big porch with a swing. You will note that not once did I say it makes me long to feed the horses and milk the cows...all the work that actually goes into making a farm run.
I've always had a soft spot for farm houses and lots of land. Maybe it's the simple way of life that is so appealing. Working the land, reaping what you sow. The satisfaction of working alongside your family. My sister was toying with the idea of raising chickens last year and while I initially thought she was crazy, I find myself thinking the same thing. How cool would it be to have your own fresh eggs? I can already picture a little coop in the corner of our yard...
I don't know how I'm going to do it, but I want that feel to this house. Enough with the longing! I want a squeaky screen door and I want to leave the windows open during the day. We have plans to plant a big garden this year (gardening tips? anyone?). My Granddad used to have tons of apple trees in his back yard and I may want to plant a few of those, too. Besides, they're great for climbing. I want a big farm table and a swing on my front porch. Not sure I'll ever get my farm house, but I can certainly improvise!
DIDO TO THIS ENTIRE POST. AT LEAST THE FARM HOUSE. I have always wanted a two story wrap around porch country farm house with a red door. LOVE THIS POST....
i feel the same way-totally enchanted by farm life. and after watching food, inc steve is even a little enchanted too! i've always wanted to have a little mini-farm to sustain my family. nothing huge-nothing to profit from. chickens, bees, a cow for milking, a huge veggie garden, and a mini orchard. some day...
we are planning to plant a garden this year-now that the yard is all cleaned up and we're planning to move :( go figure...
My grandpa was a farmer and some of my favorite memories reside there! The one thing that I love about their "farm house" is the big, old, basin sink in the mudroom. There have been many bare nekkid babies bathed in that basin!
I could never raise chickens, because I would never be able to eat eggs again.
I like to pretend they're made by magic, so I don't feel bad eating them.
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