Yeah, it's Thursday. I just didn't think 'What I'm Loving Yesterday' sounded as catchy.
What am I loving? As per the usual, shoes.

I'm a sucker for a great wedge and these are so basic and simple - love them. Not to mention the color is so 'berry' Summer! Against a tan? So, so cute. And only $50! I saw these gems over at and they come in a myriad of colors, gogetsome!

I am in LOVE with these! These darling, silver foil heels. It's too much, they are to die for. And these are only $60! Are you kidding me with that? Found them on My Summer will not be complete without them. Pretty sure that my next week's item is going to be a snow cone machine.
What was the name of that other website you told me to waste time browsing?
Um, me wanty. All of them. In all colors. Nownownownow
I saw those wedge shoes at Urban Outfitter when I was in Vegas this last time, and totally wanted some!! Love them!
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