Summer has arrived! And with it tons of craziness. I feel things have been going nonstop. Here's a touch on all the goodness that has been keeping me way too busy:

Cache's preschool graduation! This evening was so fun, Miss Melva was a fantastic teacher. It was hysterical watching all the kids sing their songs and recite little poems.

Cache loved Miss Melva and he loved school! He did so well, he keeps talking about how excited he is to go to his 'big school' next year.

The Utah Valley Marathon! We are idiots. The Fire Chief challenges the firefighters to run this every year and
this year he thought it would be a great idea if the wives got involved! Like a fool, I agreed. I only ran the half, mind you...and that was enough. I was in SO much pain! For DAYS! Turns out you should train for those kind of things. Here we are at Brick Oven the night before for our carb load. Do you see the look of fear on my face? Aside from the misery of running, it was freezing that day. It was rainy and windy and miserable. My feet were frozen and soaked...miserable. But hey! I finished and got a medal. Cody ran the full and he was just as soggy as I was. We vowed that we'll never do that again. Ever.

And finally? Girls Trip 2010! We are going to California this year and I am SO excited! I have been working on the packets and I think they turned out will come soon! Our trip is THIS WEEK and I have so much to do before I leave.
Today is officially the first day of Summer, but with all the craziness I feel like I've lived through an entire Summer already. Hopefully things slow down a smidge so we can really relax and enjoy the season. Sounds like I should get a snow cone today!
First of all, I hope that I have a girl first so she can marry either one of your boys. THEY ARE SO CUTE. Especially with their little summer shaved heads.
Second, you have made so much progress on the kitchen! I know it doesn't seem like it but if it were my house, we'd still be looking at wood framing. And no lights.
THIRDLY, you're my hero for finishing that half marathon. The second it started raining it would have been KATE OUT.
I love that your girl trip photo is a hot dude playing volleyball. What do you actually plan on doing out there? :)
A good round up of updates. The kitchen looks awesome!
Way to run a half! That is very impressive! (This coming from someone who is just beginning to run and can only do about 3 blocks at a time before I have to walk. :)
So hey, did you hear I got the lead in King and I?
Have fun on your "girls weekend". Those are the best get aways!
Can't help but tell you how GREAT is this post and I keep going back to Cache in his graduation photos! Does he look ivy-league or what?! But then, maybe the sno-cone photo is my favorite. I'm terribly proud of you and Cody for the run . . . and the kitchen, and things in general. Have fun in CA! XO
I just can't wait to see your kitchen.
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