I feel like I'm camping. Last week we removed the kitchen cabinets, countertops, sink and dishwasher. I have no kitchen.

Our new wall is up! It was a lot of work (mostly done by Cody) and I LOVE it. We moved the East wall into the living room by 10 inches. Doesn't seem like a big amount, but we're going to gain some serious space in the kitchen because of it.
I'm loving the pony walls - we love how open it feels.
View from the piano...
See that beam? I helped install that beam! It was heavy and a pain, but I did it.
The lame dropped ceiling...I have no idea why these were popular. Rather than go up in the attic and try to move all the insulation out of the way, we just decided to tear down the ceiling and let the insulation fall.

It was a dusty, fuzzy, ENORMOUS mess. It took us 4 hours and 20 (twen.ty.) garbage bags to clean it all up.
I had the bright idea to list our cabinets on ksl.com. Since the uppers were already gone, I thought, "Hey! I'll just list them and that should give us a few days to get things in order before we remove the base cabinets". Well, they sold in 20 minutes. A guy called from Brigham City and said he could come down and pick them up in two hours. Perfect! We were stoked! As we started to clean out the drawers I asked Cody, "So, will the dishwasher just slide over right next to the sink?", he replied, "Yeah. Well....wait, we'll need to remove the sink cabinet...". "Oh...Oooh....". We then sat there. Silent. For about 6 seconds. Then I finally said, "We're kind of screwed, aren't we." Cody's response? "Yes. Yes we are.".
So the cabinets came out. Here I am sitting where the sink used to be, realizing that we'll be eating off paper plates and washing any dishes in the bathroom sink (although I think I'll find a washing storage tub to keep outside...).
What do we eat? Lots of sandwiches, fruit...sandwiches. We have our grill, so hamburgers and hot dogs are on the menu this week. We do still have a microwave so we can cook some things in a pinch. Our friends Marc and Jessica took pity on us and invited us over for Sunday dinner. If you're feeling generous, we're now accepting meals!
Our new ceiling!...sort of. It makes the kitchen feel so much bigger.

Don't let anyone tell you that light placement is easy. I thought for sure we knew where we wanted our can lights to go until we actually had to install them. We kept changing our minds and then changing them again. We'd install 3 of them and then change where the next 2 were going. Ugh. But we did finally get them all in! Huzzah!
Cody worked on the wiring last night and will probably finish that up today. We're hoping to start hanging some drywall today and maybe (fingers crossed!) we'll get the ceilings finished up this week! Then we can refinish the floors...and THEN we can install our new kitchen sink and dishwasher.
You guys are amazing. Wow. Big undertaking. Rocking it!
Ack! You are brave! I would be totally hyperventilating. But I am excited to see what your awesome new kitchen will look like!
oh my goodness...I thought painting our banisters was a big job! I can't even imagine!
BUT...soon you will have a FABULOUS new kitchen! I'm so excited to see it all done! Hang in there...and you are welcome for dinner anytime up here!
wow! That is some big progress! I'm impressed because I know how hard it is! Good luck with the rest! keep posting! It is fun to follow!
Oh my gosh! Are you insane? Yes. Yes you are! I love your drive though. I bow down to you :) I can not wait to see more pics. What a difference it's going to make having higher ceilings and more space.
Holy cow! I am so pumped you are taking lots of pictures! I can't wait to see the progress! It is looking good so far!
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