The Provo Tabernacle caught fire early this morning.

It was a huge fire. It completely engulfed the building and smoke was pouring out of every window. The roof caved in around 6:00am. They're saying that it's most likely an accident and hopefully they can salvage a few pieces from it. My heart just aches, such a tragic loss.
I also heard on the news that besides the beautiful building, they lost millions of dollars in equipment that was in there. They also said that they interviewed someone who was practicing for a concert in there last night and they said that they smelled something that was either burning or melting but they couldn't find the source. I'm surprised that no one called the building manager or the fire department last night.
Such a sad loss. I remember all the stake conferences there (weren't we in the same stake?)
OH MY!!! I have been seeing FB update all day and I almost couldn't believe it's gone... Thanks for posting this Jewels those pictures are exactly what you said... "Unreal!"
This is a sad day, my little heart is weeping, I remember so many Stake Conferences, performances, Messiah Sing-a-longs, and even speaking from the pulpit myself at a Stake Conference in this very gone building... What a beautiful building and while the benches were just about as comfortable as sitting on a pillow of needles they were part of the memory of that precious place.
What a tragedy! Your pictures are amazing! you really should submit them to . . . I don't know who, but they really show the tragic loss. Many good memories of Stake Conferences and the beauty of the building whenever I drove by it.
Nooooooo! This makes me so sad.
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