Here we are! In the most festive month of the year! I love me some December...I love the snow and the over-played Christmas music and the shopping crazies...I soak it all in. The only downer about December is how quickly it goes by - is anyone NOT super busy in December? It is filled with parties and activities and all kinds of craziness (the good Holiday kind...but craziness nonetheless).

This past weekend was our Ward Christmas Breakfast. I helped set up the night before and it was fun listening to Christmas music and hanging out with the marvelous women in my ward. The place looked great! The next morning Cody got up early to drive down and get the fire truck. Our ward tradition is to have Santa ride around the neighborhood on a fire truck with the sirens blaring so all the kids can run out and see Santa drive by. Once he's finished his route he's dropped off at the Church so kid's can sit on his knee and tell him what they want for Christmas. This tradition is double-awesome since Cody is the guy who drives the truck and because that means my kids get to ride on the fire truck with Santa. Win! So After Cody left and I got ready, I sneaked upstairs and started to see "Santa Claus is Coming to Town" (how cheesy am I?). The boys were SO excited and quickly got dressed and insisted on waiting for Santa on the porch.

When the truck pulled up, Santa came around the side and my kids faced just LIT up and they ran over and gave him a hug. I melted.

The party was a smash - delicious food and tons of people, it was so fun. My friend Celine, her husband David and I sang the Bing Crosby/Andrew's Sisters version of "Jingle Bells" for the talent show. No pictures of that, but lets just say that we looked fantastic and the number was a hit.
It's only the 6th and yet I feel like the month is almost gone! Due to remodeling, we have yet to purchase our tree (right??). This is the week! I won't be able to deck my halls in their usual merriment, but my house will be as festive as it can be. And you know what? I just might be able to bake some cookies in my new kitchen this weekend...
Oh, I wish I could have seen Jingle Bells! I love that version, and I love you more, and I loved Celine and David instantly, so total smash hit, right?
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