It SNOWED! Again! For reals! This is what it's supposed to look like in December, I am loving the snow (sorry, Dad). Isn't it so pretty?
I'm sending out my Christmas cards today (hope they arrive in time - bah) and might get some last minute shopping in. I am determined to get my house in order so that I can relax and enjoy the last few days before Christmas. I also have to clean up my kitchen. You see, I made breakfast. This morning. In a kitchen. MY KITCHEN. Stay tuned, merry merries!!
I agree! I needed to wake up to our gorgeous winter wonderland to get me in the spirit too. What? Rain in December --IN UTAH? Must be that global warming or something. :) However, my arms and back hurt from shoveling driveways for an hour yesterday. Aren't you suppose to "feel good" when you help neighbors? I did yesterday, but today. . .
Have a very Merry Christmas! Can't wait to see your kitchen!
Um, excuse me, does the first paragraph imply that Brian does not like the snow?! Ahem...
I'm finally on here. Can you believe it? Please call me tomorrow so I can get your phone number and talk to you about flowers. I'm thinking RED! Yeah, Patch Christmas Party in your new kitchen!!!!
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