Initially, I was not one to follow the Royal Wedding business. I mean, Prince William is a dish and his fiance Kate Middleton was gorgeous and they seemed so happy, etc., but I wasn't watching all the build up. Meh. A lot of my friends were talking about watching it and I found myself saying, "Yeah! I'm so excited!" What? No I wasn't - what was I talking about?
Then there was some show on the Wednesday before the wedding and I got sucked in, all about the love story between Kate and William. Friends? I. was. hooked. So dreamy! Ahhh, I couldn't get enough. All the talk about the plans and her dress and the ceremony and reception...
Friday morning over a bowl of Raison Bran I watched Prince William marry Kate Middleton. It was BEAUTIFUL. Her dress was amazing and everything went perfectly. They would look at each other and smirk and squeeze hands...I was enamored. Not to mention this was a historic moment, right? My whole life I saw clips of the Royal Wedding between Charles and Diana and now it was happening for my generation. It was historic. So I had to watch it. See?
Walking down the aisle after the ceremony. Her dress was amazing.

I so love them, I want to send them a Christmas card.

I have to say my favorite part was watching them ride to the palace waving at everyone that came out to catch a glimpse of the royal couple. It seemed like the entire country was there cheering them on, it was cool.

What the hat? I love seeing all the British doves wear their incredible hats, but this was ridiculous. My friend Celine and I have talked about bringing hats back (another post), this however will not make the cut. And this girl is a Princess! Come on, your highness.

Ahhh, the dreamy kiss on the balcony.