Boo to you! Halloween at Jolley Hollow was fantastic. Crazy busy and non-stop, but fantastic. Since when did October become as busy as December? I've hardly had a chance to breathe! Well, I blame my sickies for that.

Friday I spent decorating the Fire Bay to get ready for the annual PGFD Halloween Party. I had tons of help from Jessica and the crew, so things got set up pretty quick. The place looked great and festive and I was so excited! (PS - I took no pictures of this, but my friend did and when she posts them I will show you the party pics. Until then? Use your imagination). I picked up my costume, rushed home and got ready. Being pregnant doesn't leave me many options, so I just opted to go as a ghostie. Cody recycled his genius Reno 911 costume and we made our way down to the station. Where 15 people were assembled. Dude?? There was hardly anyone there! What the what? I was so disappointed to see it so poorly attended. I worked so hard...and nobody came. Downer. Hanging that party on my shelf of shame. Not sure why, either. Lots of people have been there in the past and everyone looks forward to it, so who knows. The Chief was upset that there wasn't more support and he still wants me to do it again next year. Better start advertising now, I guess.
Saturday was spent recovering. You see, I was still fighting this lame sickness. Our ward's trunk or treat was that afternoon at 4:00, so I mustered up enough strength to get the boys dressed up and head over to the Church. My trunk wasn't as festive as I would have liked...

but I did have spooky music playing and it was nice to just sit in the back and hand out candy. We had such a great turn out!

The weather was marvy and all the little kids looked so cute in their costumes. How I love my ward, such golden people.

Sunday I was SURE I was just going to take it easy. I even told Cody that I needed a full day to just rest. Did I? Why, of course not. Turns out we were feeling ambitious and spent all day in the kitchen cooking and baking. We made a pumpkin pie from scratch using a sugar pumpkin. Have you done this? It was surprisingly good! I mean, I'd heard mixed reviews so we were a little wary, but it was SO yummy. Tip: the pie will actually look brown after it's cooked, not the cheery orange we're all used to. Don't let that throw you! It's delish! Along with the pies (we made two) we made chicken stew, apple cider and whipped cream. The day was SO beautiful and warm, the boys were out in the yard all afternoon.

After we cleaned up the kitchen and ate dinner, it was time to carve pumpkins.

Our spooky gourds! Cody's, mine, Cole's, a faux plug-in pumpkin, and Cache's.

Needless to say, I was BEAT.
The next morning I got up and blared 'This is Halloween' to wake up the boys. I got Cache dressed in his costume and it was off to school for the Halloween parade!

They were quick, this was the only shot I got.

Then it was time to get Cole ready for his Preschool. And how presh! His bestie Jack happened to be Batman, so they were partners!

Cody and I ran some errands while the boys were at school and I picked up some medicine. I took a dose and it knocked. me. out. SO glad Cody was home that day because I was in no condition to drive. Or parent. I took a nap for a couple of hours and finally had to talk myself into getting up and getting ready. We got the kids ready for trick or treating and Cody took them around the neighborhood while I handed out candy.

I set out some spooky music, doesn't my porch look festive?

After the kids bags were filled, we all headed over to the Lehi Theater to catch closing night of 'Little Shop of Horrors'. This show deserves it's own post, but I must tell you how amazing that show was. Amazing!! I'm so proud of it. We were there late, so when we got home we peeled our sleepy boys out of their costumes and sent them to bed. I turned off the Halloween village and all the pumpkin lights...Halloween has come and gone. Forgive me for saying, but I am so happy to have October over. It was a crazy month. Can I decorate for Christmas now?