I voted today!

As is customary for my November posts, I will list 5 things I am grateful for:
1 - The freedom to vote. You saw that one coming, I'm sure. I love that I can have my voice heard in such a historic election.
2 - The security of Cody's job. This economy is terrifying and we have certainly felt (and are dealing with) the effects of it, but I am so thankful that Cody's job is stable and secure.
3 - My Cocoa-motion. Hmm. A bit shallow after my previous thanks, but I LOVE this little machine! I put in milk, my cocoa mix, press a button and in 2 minutes I have perfectly blended, toasty hot chocolate. Yum!
4 - A husband who tolerates (and even joins in on) my love of Halloween.
5 - Sweatshirts.
Hey you! I absolutely love the costumes below! I can't believe how you two can throw costumes together. Jewels, it is a real talent!
Fall nights with a snuggly sweatshirt, coco-motion, and husband who tolerates your love of Halloween, are definitely things to be thankful for! My husband doesn't tolerate my love of the holidays that well. Grinch. But I plan on hypnotizing him and changing that!
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