We had quite a busy Halloween weekend! On the 30th, my dear friend Amelia had her Birthday dinner up in Salt Lake - it was so much fun! She will probably kill me for putting up this picture, but she is so gorgeous, isn't she? We laughed and talked and ate WAY too much cheesecake. She is a gem, I love her - Happy Birthday, A!
Ahhh, glorious Halloween! I thought the weather on Halloween was SO perfect couldn't have asked for anything better! It was dark and cloudy but really warm which was fantastic. I sewed Cache's costume (he wanted to be a ghost) and he looked so cute I could hardly stand it!
Cody and I realized that maybe we should dress up, too. We couldn't think of ANYTHING! Finally we just dressed up, wore our PS2 Guitars and went as Guitar Heros. What's that? You don't see any pictures of us in our rocker costumes? That's because we sort of looked lame.
Once we got to the Church I Decorated our truck a teeny bit and it turned out to be one of the only trunks that was decorated! We had our Halloween music blaring and it was so fun to see everyone all dressed up. Cache scored some serious loot and Cole was content with a sucker that got him all kinds of sticky.
We made the rounds to our parents and Grandparents homes so they could see the boys all dressed up. I love how excited Cache gets for Halloween! He loved seeing everyone in costumes and was eager to hand out treats to the Trick or Treaters. By the time we got home we were all exhausted!
The next night was the First Annual PGFD Halloween Party. I kept asking Cody if they were going to do a Halloween Party and my nagging helped organize this scary soiree! It was SO much fun! A few days before the party, Cody told me that the prize for 'Best Costume' was a new digital camera (I have been wanting a new camera forever, ours is old and lame)! We realized we had to get serious about our costumes. Cody grew out his mustache, I threw on a wig, we busted out the Roller Skates and...

Voila! Roller Derby Couple!
This costume was SO much fun. There were tons of great costumes, I was so impressed! I wasn't sure we had a chance at the prize, everyone looked so fantastic. I helped tally up the votes and it was a close call, but we WON! Cody and I did a victory lap around the floor before accepting our prize.
So from now on, you will see much better pictures taken with our shiny new camera.
We wrapped up the party by watching 'Young Frankenstein' and snacking on popcorn and treats. The party was so much fun and I already have more ideas for next year...
I'm now in the process of taking down all my spooky decor. This Holiday makes me so happy - it brings joy to my heart. It was a great year! Now? I'm ready to put it away and make room for pine garlands and tinsel. Yes. I'm decorating for Christmas. Merry Merries!!
I must admit your costume is pretty genius. Love it. I really wanted to be the Post-breakdown Britney Spears complete with white trash outfit, scraggly blond wig, cigaratte in one had and cheetohs in the other, but my husband begged me not to hahaha!
The leg warmers with the pom pons are heaven. And I am laughing so hard over that pic of Cody cruizin down the hall, I can almost hear the Hall n Oats playing...
Thanks for all of the lovely things you just said about me! I simply adore and love your guts. Every one of them. Even your spleen.
"I helped tally up the votes and...we won!"
I find that very curious and amusing.
Oooh, that does sound bad, doesn't it? But never fear, there were 4 of us so it would have been impossible to cheat. I think we only won by like 2 or 3 votes...it was close!!
Your halloween costumes are priceless! Your boys looked so cute and the Roller Derby Duo is to die for! I'm channeling some rad 70's music in honor of your win!
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