My little brother is ENGAGED!! At long last my wonderful, brilliant, handsome, witty, strong, solid brother has found a beautiful girl to spend forever with. Her name is Randi and I just adore her!
Ever since Rich began dating Randi he has been happier than I have ever seen him. Rich is so special to our family, he is the youngest and we all look up to him. He works hard, loves the Gospel and is one of the funniest people I know. We all wanted him to marry a girl who realized how HUGE of a catch he is, who knew how special he is, how rare a find he is. And he has found her!
Rich is radical, but then there is Randi. Ahhh, Randi! She is beyond perfect for him. She is spicy and sassy, ambitious, supportive, beautiful. She will be a great addition to our family! I must admit, I get misty realizing that our family is now complete - we all found our someone. There will now be 10 places at Thanksgiving, 10 Christmas stockings, 10 towels on our Lake Powell trips...She is his match in every way and I am over moon for them both! Cograts, R&R!!
Congrats to your brother! That is awesome!
Ju Ju Julia, you are the sweetest! I am seriously so excited, I can't wait any longer!!
Oh, that is so cool! At first I thought that your good news was that you had sold your house or won the lottery or something!
But this is way better....
Yay for Rich! Tell him congrats from me. That is so exciting. They definitely look cute together. I'm so happy for him!
Wow! Congrats to the love birds. I am so happy for the both of them. I can't wait to meet Randi. She sounds wonderful.
YEAH for Rich! What a guy!
hooray...congrats!!! That is so exciting and rich is wonderful so good that he found a girl who knows that!
Woohoo! Congrats, Rich!
That is awesome news! Tell Rich congratulations for me! How exciting! I am sure Randi is awesome if Richard likes her. By the way, Rich looks so old! Where did the years go? I swear we were all just at Maeser playing kickball last year!
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