It's September! What? Where's August? We all know how I am overly anticipating Fall, but nobody likes to watch Summer fade. This past month was FULL of goodness, many fun things went on. Our Housewarming Party (it actually happened!) was a smash hit and it was great to have so many friends come over and see our new house, Thrillionaires shows were many, and my baby boy turned 2 on August 30th.

On Friday we had a Party for him and the little dude was spoiled rotten, just as it should be. The Jolley and the Patch families came, plus a cameo by my Aunt Trudy and cousins Kara and Mindy! They come up every year to shop for Halloween goodness and luckily they stopped by the party and we got to visit for a while. We had hot dogs and cookies and chips and some dlish corn on the cob that Cody's parents brought from Grandma's garden (thank you!). Here is the lovely Jessica with Graham! He loves his corn...
Captain ShyPants before the cake came out...
His first 4-wheeler from Cody's parents - he LOVES this thing.
Gary, Cody and Cache trying to put Cole's other bike together...priceless.
As August closes, September blows in full-force with packed days and upcoming events. We have a weekend planned with my family (my sister will be in town) for my Dad's Birthday, I will be 30 in 9 days (what the...), Birthday Party to celebrate my aging and then? We're off to Hawaii...Aloha!
Looks like Cole had a great party what a great four wheeler for him.
You turn 30 in Sept. too? I turn 30ON Sept. 21st. I hope I have a great 30th and I hope you do too. Hawaii would be a great 30th birthday present for me. I am so jealous, I don't think I will ever go to those places. However seeing how much I loath myself in bathing suits maybe I won't mind. I am so anxious for Fall decor and Halloween too. I am glad your house warming party went well. Take Care! JenGlamGirl
He is such a handsome guy. Maybe we could set him up with one of my girls. He can have the older one (4 years old) or the one yet to be born. Have your choice! Happy birthday.
P.S. My little Zac has that same 4 wheeler and thinks it's pretty cool stuff.
What an adorable little boy he is----I can see you in him---so cutie!
Happy birthday---little one!
I seriously want to come over there right now and SQUEEZE HIS CHEEKS!
I love that little guy!
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