
Seeing Red

I dyed my hair. Red. I'm a redhead. Or orange head, if that's how you see it...

Not sure the pictures really capture the 'redness' of it all...it looks pretty mild in all of these.

Honestly? I don't know what to think. Mindi gave me the EXACT color I wanted - not too dark, more strawberry blondish than deep brown red, pretty light...and I don't know what to think. Mostly I've been met with hesitation, "Huh...well, I guess it's the age of extremes, eh?" and "So uh...why did you color your hair?". On the flip side, I've heard "You look like a sex kitten from a 1960's romantic comedy". Your take? Maybe I don't want to know.

I have wanted to go red for years. I always thought it would look so saucy and different, might warm up my skin and look really great. I just lacked sufficient courage. Finally a few months ago I decided to go for it - no time like the present! Go for the glory! Ugh, should I have not listened to myself? My knee-jerk reaction yesterday caused me to call another friend of mine that does hair to see if she has any time this weekend to change it back to blonde (only because Mindi is crazy busy for the next three days). I keep hearing that I need to wait a week, let it fade and let the shock sink in. I know that I do, I just don't know that I can.

The thing is, I love being blonde. I know most peeps are not a fan, but I love my platinum hair. I felt it sort of...defined me. Gave me something different. I've been a caramel-colored blonde and I loved that, too, so I wonder if I should have gone that route rather than the red route. I'm terrified that I did this crazy thing and we are going to Disneyland as a family next week and pictures will be taken and memories will be made and what if I look ridiculous? What if I never warm up to it or it fades into some weird nasty color?

I guess all I can do is wait, so here I sit. Confused and unsure as a redhead.

1 comment:

Kim said...

You may already be a blondy again but for the record, I like the red!