This Summer has been awesome. Crazy, but awesome. I think everyone's Summer is madness. The days (while long and glorious) are usually jam-packed with plans or laziness and suddenly you see 'Back To School!' ads everywhere. Rather than go into every little story of what went down the past 3 months, here's the highlights:
The boys took swimming lessons. They LOVED it and I loved being able to take them to the PGFD Pool Party and just let them play in the water without panicking. I fully intend of having them take classes again next Summer. Also? I want a pool in my backyard. Yeah, I know they're expensive to maintain...I still want one.
I hit a deer. My deer-free 16 years was brought to an abrupt halt when I hit a deer on the way to my parents house one night. I totaled our car and we had to drive my Dad's 16 passenger van around for a week while our car was in the shop. Good times.
When I hit the deer my Debit card decided to hide. Forever. NO idea what happened to it, had to wait 9 days to get a new one. 9 days without a card? Ugh.
Cody and I celebrated 9 years of marriage. I love, love, love him.
The new gym has been picking up and Cody is really busy. I'm so proud of him.
My beautiful friend Bethany was in town and we got to spend an entire day together. I love her beyond measure.
I saw 'Rock of Ages' and loved it more than I probably should have. I'm a stoner, friends. That movie probably deserves it's own blog post.
My other beautiful friend Rosey has been in town a couple of times this Summer and we've spent some days together. One night we went to see 'Crazy for You' at the Hale with my beautiful friend Celine (I have beautiful friends, ok?). *Sigh*, how I love the theater. The last time Rosey was here we went to dinner with our beautiful friend, Brandalee. We ate at Puffer's and shut the place down...we talked for about 5 hours. Love them.
Went to Lake Powell with my family. Blog post coming.
My beautiful friend Hailey came to visit from New York for most of July, and I got to spend some afternoons with her. Her family was staying in my old house and it was a trip to walk through it again! She is so wonderful. We went to lunch with beautiful friends Amelia, Mindy and Lisa. I want a repeat.
The older boys went camping with Cody's parents, complete with bows and arrows and BB guns.
I did some Thrillionaires shows. Always a good time.
I opened an etsy shop.
We sat on the porch and watched it rain, we've had popsicles, we have tan lines, we stayed up late, had movie nights, ran through the sprinklers and went for days without shoes. I love Summer. But you know what's next?
Independence Day!
Happy 4th! Am I the only one who thinks it's weird that it's already the 4th of July? We don't really have anything planned, I kind of feel like it's just another day...which makes me sad. I should have planned SOMETHING. We didn't do the parade this morning because it's just absolute mayhem (and with a baby? No, sir), there's fireworks tonight in PG so we'll probably go to that, it's too late to plan a BBQ but maybe I'll spend the day baking sugary treats.
The best part? Cody came off the fire this morning around 8:00 and went to the station and slept. I talked to him a bit before he fell asleep, said he stayed up all night protecting a house that would be the first one to go if the fire went in that direction. He said the fire started coming towards them this morning, but a helicopter dropped retardant on it (and hit some of the fireman, too!) and it's unlikely it will come closer, but there's still a chance, I guess. Last I heard the fire wasn't at all contained and people were still being evacuated.
In other news, turns out Cruz is celebrating his independence by rolling over on his own.
What?! So not ok with this, especially since he's doing that little squirmy thing when he's on his stomach trying to crawl. What in the world will I do when he's mobile?
Have a happy and fire-free 4th!!
The best part? Cody came off the fire this morning around 8:00 and went to the station and slept. I talked to him a bit before he fell asleep, said he stayed up all night protecting a house that would be the first one to go if the fire went in that direction. He said the fire started coming towards them this morning, but a helicopter dropped retardant on it (and hit some of the fireman, too!) and it's unlikely it will come closer, but there's still a chance, I guess. Last I heard the fire wasn't at all contained and people were still being evacuated.
In other news, turns out Cruz is celebrating his independence by rolling over on his own.
What?! So not ok with this, especially since he's doing that little squirmy thing when he's on his stomach trying to crawl. What in the world will I do when he's mobile?
Have a happy and fire-free 4th!!
Stadium of FIRE
More like, 'State of Fire'. So, we live in the desert. It's dry here. This year? Stupid dry. I think the last time it rained was November of '04. There have been cah-razy fires around here lately, all in the past month. Over Strawberry Days there was a massive fire in Saratoga, there's a huge one near Mt. Pleasant and these fires raged for days and have destroyed tons of homes. It's just heartbreaking to see these sweet people on the news with only the clothes on their backs and no home to go back to. Devastating.
While I have ached for these people and have followed where the fires are burning, I have also felt sort of removed from it all. Until today.
This afternoon I left Cody at home with Cruz while I went grocery shopping. I get out of the car in the parking lot and look up and see smoke on the mountain. It's north of our house, but still - smoke. My first reaction was, "Ugh, this whole freaking state is on fire". I took a pic..
...and called Cody to tell him about it. He couldn't see it from our house and while I was on the phone with him I saw the wildland fire truck whiz by with sirens blaring. We both just sort of "huh" and hung up. Two minutes later he calls me back;
"You need to come get Cruz, I just got called to the station."
"Why? Do you have to go fight it?"
"Everyone's on the fire, they just need coverage at the station."
I got back in my car and thought, "It just started, how can everyone be up there already?"
As I'm driving back I notice that the smoke cloud is getting bigger and denser...not good. I come inside, Cody grabs his gear and kisses me goodbye as he heads out. As I'm driving down our hill once again I'm starting to freak out about how huge this fire is getting...
I called him and he said he was about to head up to the fire, said it's in the Alpine foothills and they've already started evacuating people. Then he says that 4 houses are in danger of being burned. What the what?!! This is when I start to get scared. My husband is going to go fight this hot, massive fire that is burning out of control. I did my shopping while updating my Mom and friends who were calling, asking if Cody was fighting it. When I came out of the store my jaw just dropped...
I called the Fire Chief;
"Is he on that?"
"So he's up there..."
Awesome. I drove home and when I got in my driveway I said a little prayer. I was a bit surprised that I was that scared, but then - it's a huge fire! Cody's up there! I can't reach him! On the other hand, it's Cody. As my bff Amelia stated: "This is when even keel Cody comes into play. He won't panic or do something stupid. He just won't".
I've been checking the news, saw some incredible pictures...
Cody just called me and told me he's going to be on the fire all night, he's protecting homes. Earlier the winds blew the fire North away from residences, but at midnight there's supposed to be a cold front with winds blowing South at 20-30mph. I'll know more in the morning (so will he), but he sounded in good spirits...maybe even a bit bummed that he hasn't seen more action. Aw. Ugh, scary though, right? This fire is too close for comfort. Hopefully it gets contained and all the boys can come home soon. Quite the day! Love my firefighter.
While I have ached for these people and have followed where the fires are burning, I have also felt sort of removed from it all. Until today.
This afternoon I left Cody at home with Cruz while I went grocery shopping. I get out of the car in the parking lot and look up and see smoke on the mountain. It's north of our house, but still - smoke. My first reaction was, "Ugh, this whole freaking state is on fire". I took a pic..
...and called Cody to tell him about it. He couldn't see it from our house and while I was on the phone with him I saw the wildland fire truck whiz by with sirens blaring. We both just sort of "huh" and hung up. Two minutes later he calls me back;
"You need to come get Cruz, I just got called to the station."
"Why? Do you have to go fight it?"
"Everyone's on the fire, they just need coverage at the station."
I got back in my car and thought, "It just started, how can everyone be up there already?"
As I'm driving back I notice that the smoke cloud is getting bigger and denser...not good. I come inside, Cody grabs his gear and kisses me goodbye as he heads out. As I'm driving down our hill once again I'm starting to freak out about how huge this fire is getting...
I called him and he said he was about to head up to the fire, said it's in the Alpine foothills and they've already started evacuating people. Then he says that 4 houses are in danger of being burned. What the what?!! This is when I start to get scared. My husband is going to go fight this hot, massive fire that is burning out of control. I did my shopping while updating my Mom and friends who were calling, asking if Cody was fighting it. When I came out of the store my jaw just dropped...
I called the Fire Chief;
"Is he on that?"
"So he's up there..."
Awesome. I drove home and when I got in my driveway I said a little prayer. I was a bit surprised that I was that scared, but then - it's a huge fire! Cody's up there! I can't reach him! On the other hand, it's Cody. As my bff Amelia stated: "This is when even keel Cody comes into play. He won't panic or do something stupid. He just won't".
I've been checking the news, saw some incredible pictures...
Cody just called me and told me he's going to be on the fire all night, he's protecting homes. Earlier the winds blew the fire North away from residences, but at midnight there's supposed to be a cold front with winds blowing South at 20-30mph. I'll know more in the morning (so will he), but he sounded in good spirits...maybe even a bit bummed that he hasn't seen more action. Aw. Ugh, scary though, right? This fire is too close for comfort. Hopefully it gets contained and all the boys can come home soon. Quite the day! Love my firefighter.
Strawberry Days
Another Strawberry Days has come and gone and we were kept busy as usual. Before the week began, I was asked to design some shirts for the Fire Department to sell to the locals. They haven't had a new design in years, so I was happy to step up! After I created the initial design, Cody and I decided to make some for the Firefighters as well as the Fire Wives:
The Chief loved them and sent them off to the printers. More on that later...
Thursday night we went to the Rodeo and had a great time, the boys loved it and one of their favorite moments was when some motocross riders came and did some jumps. I've always loved that and it was hilarious hearing my boys yell, "Wooooooow!! Look at that, that was AWESOME!!". Guess it's time to take them to some Supercross and Motocross goodness. After the bull riding they turned all the lights off and shot off fireworks. It was quite the impressive show! And how nerdy am I, but I loved that little moment as Cody and I were holding hands with our boys sitting between us. Good times.
Saturday was the parade and Cache got to ride in the huge fire truck. Afterwards we went to the Fire Station for the PGFD BBQ and lo, what's this? The shirts! The shirts I designed! Most of the fire wives had them on (including me) and many of the fireman were wearing theirs. Yay! Success!
The Chief loved them and sent them off to the printers. More on that later...

Saturday was the parade and Cache got to ride in the huge fire truck. Afterwards we went to the Fire Station for the PGFD BBQ and lo, what's this? The shirts! The shirts I designed! Most of the fire wives had them on (including me) and many of the fireman were wearing theirs. Yay! Success!
Saturday night we went back to the carnival for one last hurrah on the rides and then watched some fireworks....
Such a fun week to look forward to each Summer...and now we have fancy shirts to remember it by.
Call Me Maybe

See that? The glorious International Scout we drove around all weekend. All my siblings own one (this one is my Dads), but Cody is turning ours in to an off-road vehicle. Don't worry, I've made him promise that some day soon I'll have my own City cruising Scout. In blue. Athankyou.

We were showcasing our lip gloss, so I thought that meant 'pucker'.
I'm the only one that thought that.
and shopped at Target.
We only get carts to hold our bags.
The next morning before heading out, Sara discovered that she had received a parking ticket. Lamesauce. Those sin city girls...
We got ready and headed to Los Hermanos for lunch. It's a must.
Then we drove up to City Creek for some shopping! It was so fun and we got some great finds (and some sun, love that place).
The PHENOMENAL shoes Rhonda bought. Delish.
We drove back to Provo, grabbed dinner at The Pizza Factory and headed to the movie theater for "Snow White and the Huntsman". Have you seen it? It was a bit...darker than I thought, and Kristen Stewart wasn't nearly as annoying and everyone let on. I liked it!
Mmmm, previews...
The drive home was hilarious. I don't remember all that went down...but I do remember laughing too hard. 
and the three of us headed up to Salt Lake to hit some of my favorite stops - Decades,
(The Russian and the Pilgrim)
Hip & Humble and Emily Jayne.
We stopped at Big Rock Clothing where Sara found this classy number.
We came home and got ready for dinner and went out to PF Chang's. Can I just say how much I love sitting around the table with my friends eating dinner? Or any meal for that matter? It's the best.
We sat and ate and chatted for two hours. We stopped by WalMart to grab a movie and model some of the latest swim fashions.
Once we got home, however, we were tooooo sleepy for a movie. Kate and Sheila left early in the morning, Sara left a few hours later and after Rhonda and I cleaned and packed, it was time for the trip to end. I'm SO sad it's over!! These trips are so fun and I always feel so refreshed and recharged after each one.
So, best Girls Trip ever? Yes. I know my truth.
Dad's Day
Getting this in just under the wire, wouldn't you say? I'm a lucky woman. I was raised by a wonderful, wonderful man. He taught us how to work hard (a lesson I dodged, apparently) and be honest (dodged again) and enjoy life (now that I took to heart. Perhaps a bit too much). He is a strong, wise and hilarious man who I am fortunate enough to call Dad. Or wodlops, if you're a Patch.
Then there is Gary, my father-in-law. A solid man, genuine and true. He is selfless and giving and sarcastic, which is one of the many reasons why I love him. He is patient with me (like when he has to keep reminding me how to drive the 4-wheeler) and has come to my rescue more than once (he came over and killed a spider in my family room that was the size of the Pacific). Most importantly? He raised a stellar son named Cody.
My sweet, handsome husband. I love that man. He also makes me crazy, furious, and there's no one else on Earth I'd rather have. He takes care of me and loves me (because I make him crazy and furious, too. Hard to believe, I know), I mean - the man built me a kitchen. We eat cookie dough together, we watch silly shows together, I tell him everything, he makes me laugh harder than anyone and comes to see every one of my plays. We couldn't be more different but we are so perfect for each other. He is the best Dad to our three little boys who look up to him and want to be just like him. I've said before that parenting isn't scary because I get to it with him. Well...that's a lie. I think parenting just IS scary. I mean, do any of us know what we're doing? But it's a scary thing we get to do together, and there's nobody else who I'd rather do that with.
Happy Father's Day to you, love. And thanks for making us the luckiest family in the world.
Then there is Gary, my father-in-law. A solid man, genuine and true. He is selfless and giving and sarcastic, which is one of the many reasons why I love him. He is patient with me (like when he has to keep reminding me how to drive the 4-wheeler) and has come to my rescue more than once (he came over and killed a spider in my family room that was the size of the Pacific). Most importantly? He raised a stellar son named Cody.
My sweet, handsome husband. I love that man. He also makes me crazy, furious, and there's no one else on Earth I'd rather have. He takes care of me and loves me (because I make him crazy and furious, too. Hard to believe, I know), I mean - the man built me a kitchen. We eat cookie dough together, we watch silly shows together, I tell him everything, he makes me laugh harder than anyone and comes to see every one of my plays. We couldn't be more different but we are so perfect for each other. He is the best Dad to our three little boys who look up to him and want to be just like him. I've said before that parenting isn't scary because I get to it with him. Well...that's a lie. I think parenting just IS scary. I mean, do any of us know what we're doing? But it's a scary thing we get to do together, and there's nobody else who I'd rather do that with.
Happy Father's Day to you, love. And thanks for making us the luckiest family in the world.
So it's here! Summer is here! How about May is the craziest month ever? Well...I say that about almost every month. But truly, there were SO many things going on - so much school stuff and all that jazz. Cache had something every day: western day, marble day, field day, pirate there a reason they cram those all in the last month of school? I mean, really? Cache does make a handsome cowboy, however.
And speaking of Cache, homeboy finally got himeself some glasses! Poor dude can't see a thing. He LOVES his glasses - I actually wanted him to get some that looked like Buddy Holly glasses, but these are flexible and look great on him. Doesn't he look so handsome?
Cole had a little Preschool graduation which is always so darling. He took his 'graduation walk' very seriously, he walked very slow and with purpose. He also kept his hands in his pockets, looking smooth. Miss Melva always announcing what each child want to be when they grow up, and Cole wants to be a Baker. What? I have never heard him mention that. It wasn't until his crush Kate was called up and we heard that she wanted to be a Baker that I understood why he chose that profession. My son the romantic. Here he is with his bestie, Jack.
Memorial Day brought the Leavers and it's always so fun when they're here. We went to see 'Men in Black III' (super great) and on Sunday they came to our ward and joined us for lunch afterwards. It was fun having them over and just hanging out. Can't wait for them to come back for the 4th of July!
I love driving past the cemetery on Memorial Day because there are so many's so pretty. I tried to capture it, not sure I succeeded, but it's one of my favorite sites.
The biggest thing happening this week is the GIRLS TRIP!!! (panicked scream) Friends, I'm freaking out. The trip is here and I'm super excited about everything, but you know the rad packets I create? Yeah, they are FULLY lacking. Ugh, and I hate that. I have some fun stuff, but gone are the years when I seriously had to curb my spending because they would be filled with so much wonder. I haven't done a 'themed' year in like...ever and apparently I don't operate well if there's no theme to guide me. Any ideas for next year?
All is not lost - I have some great playlists and our sweatshirts are cute. And goodness knows we always have a total blast! I never posted pics from last year, but rather than clog this post up with photos, here's our little slideshow:
Man, that trip was super fun. I hope this year is up to snuff!
With Summer officially here our schedules are filling up super fast...I do hope August takes it's time!
And speaking of Cache, homeboy finally got himeself some glasses! Poor dude can't see a thing. He LOVES his glasses - I actually wanted him to get some that looked like Buddy Holly glasses, but these are flexible and look great on him. Doesn't he look so handsome?

Memorial Day brought the Leavers and it's always so fun when they're here. We went to see 'Men in Black III' (super great) and on Sunday they came to our ward and joined us for lunch afterwards. It was fun having them over and just hanging out. Can't wait for them to come back for the 4th of July!
I love driving past the cemetery on Memorial Day because there are so many's so pretty. I tried to capture it, not sure I succeeded, but it's one of my favorite sites.
The biggest thing happening this week is the GIRLS TRIP!!! (panicked scream) Friends, I'm freaking out. The trip is here and I'm super excited about everything, but you know the rad packets I create? Yeah, they are FULLY lacking. Ugh, and I hate that. I have some fun stuff, but gone are the years when I seriously had to curb my spending because they would be filled with so much wonder. I haven't done a 'themed' year in like...ever and apparently I don't operate well if there's no theme to guide me. Any ideas for next year?
All is not lost - I have some great playlists and our sweatshirts are cute. And goodness knows we always have a total blast! I never posted pics from last year, but rather than clog this post up with photos, here's our little slideshow:
Man, that trip was super fun. I hope this year is up to snuff!
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