
Fire Chief

You've heard me talk about the stellarness that is my Father in Law.  I mean, the man is ridiculously stoic.  Humble, hard working, genuine and selfless...dipped in gold, basically.  It came as no surprise (to anyone) when he was made Fire Chief of Provo City.  WooHoo!  Totally deserved.  Last week we went to see him get sworn in and my goodness it was an awesome sight.

Now, I've never been to one of these.  I assumed it was in the chambers of the Mayor or some city official.  We walked in and I saw two fireman in their dress blues standing at the door...like British soldiers.  All shiny and pressed and expressionless.  The room was giant, filled with family and friends and tons of firemen from the department.  Why did I assume this wasn't a huge deal?

A lot of people spoke, telling stories of Gary and how remarkable he is.  What a wonderful man he is and leader he will make.  Finally he was able to stand and say a few words.  I love that man!

Congratulations Gary!  And 'you're welcome' Provo City.

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