Is it Friday? I have no concept of time. I am embarrassed to admit that I have yet to decorate for Halloween. I know! ME! The one who has been promoting this Holiday since April! I hang my head in shame. However, today is the day - it MUST be! I am hauling out all my Halloween goods and can't wait to get everything dressed up in spooky frivolity. I have so much to do, I hope I can get it all done this weekend! It's supposed to be chilly and stormy all weekend...perfect atmosphere if you ask me. The leaves are all changing and it's SO beautiful! Cody and I are planning on going up the canyon this weekend - I'll be sure to take some pictures of the mountains. While I love that Fall is finally here, our weather has been out of control. One day it will be 75 degrees, the next it will be 45. No lie! Our trusty weatherman even said there's a chance we'll have some snow this weekend. What the...? Guess I'll have to start my mornings with some hot cocoa huddled over the heater.
Get on it, girl! Make sure to post pictures of your decorating genius! We started last week, I have been picking up decorations through out this week, we hope to finish on Saturday...my kids are driving me nuts over it..
Mmmmmm cocoa.
I miss you.
Get over here.
hey-at least you decorated your blog?! i've just been watching spooky movies on turner classic movies...i can't muster up the creativity and energy to go all out on decor this year. plus-no one comes to our house so who will see it? costumes, on the other hand....they will be frightabulous!!! bru ha ha ....
Lame huh. I wish the weather would just stay between 75 and 82...
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