Quite possibly the best combo ever. Last night I went to dinner with my friend Hannah at Ruby River. Mmmm, so yummy! We got sassed out and with our car seats in hand (we each have little babies), we embarked on a fabulous evening of bonding. It was exactly what I needed - I feel so refreshed! We talked for HOURS and there were times we were laughing so hard the table was shaking (I am so not making that up). I've known Hannah since 7th grade and she lives only 10 minutes away from me. Do we see each other often? Hmm, not so much. We're both so busy with work and family, but we decided that since last night was such a smash hit - we have to do that once a month. I think we sat down at our table around 7:30 and didn't leave until 11:00! Yeah, we pretty much shut the place down. We had the greatest waitress and even the Manager came over and chatted with us a bit. He was nice, he bought us dessert. He also asked us if we were married...not sure why the huge car seats weren't a dead giveaway, but you know. We talked about everything from old boyfriends to bad housekeeping (we both admitted that we're not the best housewives...). I feel all recharged and our next Girls Night can't get here soon enough!
Aww I'm so jealous! It makes me miss you guys even more! I'm so glad you got together though!!
I'm with Kate- completely. Although we had a great girls day. We got pedi's!
That was SOO FUN! What the crap!?! Seriously, the 4 dr. peppers totally made the night possible. I made it home at 4 am without even a sleepy thought passing through my head.
I know! hahaha, when my phone beeped and said I had a text at 4:00am I was like, "Who do I know that is awake right now?....Oh, Hannah".
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