What am I loving? Zappos.com.

Have you visited this site? It's an online mecca of shoes, bags, and apparel for all. The best part? Free overnight shipping both ways. What's not to love?
Something else I'm loving - my sister-in-law, Stephanie. (enter violin music) I love all of Cody's sisters, but Steph is almost like my Nanny. She is always SO willing to watch my kids when I need her. She sacrifices her free time and I don't know if she's aware how much I appreciate it. There are even times when she'll come over on her way home from work and just want to take Cache with her so she can spend time with him. Hello? How great is that? She is just awesome, she loves my kids and I LOVE that. Everyone should have a Stephanie and if you don't? You might need to find one because I have no intention on giving mine up...

Last night I went over to see Ann - she and her sister Amy had a little party selling Valentine/Spring decorations. So cute! I left with these darling little heart boxes -

I was recently informed that I come off as being 'un-social'. Wha? I may be a bit bias, but I think I'm pretty social. Apparently not. So last night I did my best to be friendly and meet people. I had a great time and met some rad girls, so there 'un-social Julia' haters!
Tonight I have another 'Thrillionaires' class - I have been going for about 3 weeks and I still get nervous before I go. Wish me luck!