I have two friends who I never see. First, lets talk about Whitney. Ah, dear Whit. Whitney and I actually went to Junior High and High School together. We were in Orchestra, went to some date dances in the same group and like many friends, we lost touch after graduation. I would flip through old dance pictures or random things from High School and wonder what had happened to those people, Whitney included. Then just last year, I got a comment on my Blog that read something like this, "Hey Julia, it's Whitney, do you remember me?..." Ahhh! I as so excited! I immediately wrote her back and since then we have become closer friends than we were 10 years ago. We have TONS in common, she is so hilarious and she lives about 10 minutes away with her husband and two little boys. LOVE HER! Um..have I mentioned that we never see each other? Yeah, still been 10 years since we've played. We email and comment on each others' blogs, and just recently we have started texting and chatting on the phone (soon the stalking will commence), but we have yet to hang out. I so want our little boys to meet and become pals. Her husband has a lot of the same interests that Cody does, so maybe we should just become next door neighbors? Here's hoping! Our lives are just so crazy, we have attempted to get together in the past but something always comes up. We're planning on doing something this year, so that gives us about 11 months to make some plans and stick to them...what do you think, Whit?

My other friend is Katie. Now, Katie is different than Whitney in the sense that we have actually never met in person. How did we meet, exactly? Online dating snafu? Not exactly. Her husband is an old friend of mine. He lives in California and I called him up a few months ago to talk to him about restoring cars (his family has mucho experience and this was before Cody bought the Coronette). We talked for a bit, talking about our families and what we were up to. A couple weeks later I called to get his address so I could send them a Christmas card. His wife answered the phone and the next thing I know, we talked for 2 1/2 hours! Hello! Again, we have loads in common and she is just so much fun to talk to. Brad has dubbed me Katie's 'girlfriend' since we spend so much time on the phone...ahem, sorry Brad. I love it when we get to talk for hours, she is just so rad. We have those conversations were we keep saying, "Ok, I better go..." and then 20 minutes goes by...I hate that she lives so far away! I wish she lived here so we could go grocery shopping or have lunch. We talk a lot about when we'll actually get to meet - maybe Cody and I will head out to California this Summer, or maybe she and Brad will come out to see his family, who knows. I just love her to death!
Sigh, however - all I have to look forward to is huge phone bills and random text messages. Maybe I should write Oprah and see what she can do about getting us together...
OPRAH! Brilliance! Remember we were going to try and do that with all the girlfriends!?! HAHA! And yay for phone friends. We were phone friends for a while...before the institution of girl's night which I am more faithful with than visiting teaching. Awesome.
Julia, your such a cool girl! 11 months- NO PROBLEM! I have been really excited about our little relationship as well. Your post made me so happy. Thanks!
It's so nice to have friends that you can just chat it up with! I also admire your faithfulness to blogging. I need to do better, but....hmm...I'm not sure. :) Oh, and I totally agree to the white t-shirt and jeans. It's the perfect staple.
funny, sounds a bit like how i know your sister! one of my best friends EVEr (i could only wish to be next door neighbors) and we happened to meet one day when she was shopping and i was working at nordies. and the rest is history!
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