Anyone else feel like their house is bare? Like they are moving? I'm taking down Christmas today - seeing that we're nearly half-way through January, I thought it might be time - and I'm not excited about it. My house looks so empty and sad! I think I'll have to get creative with Valentines Day so my walls aren't so bare.

Last night Hannah and I went to our first Thrillionaires workshop. The Thrillionaires is a group of actors who put on an Improv show twice a week. Hannah and I auditioned a few weeks ago and got it! Sweet! We have to do a few workshops before we'll do a show with the seasoned veterans, but I'm very excited. Well, scared to death and excited. They basically come out to the stage before the show begins, get some ideas from the crowd then put on a show - making it up as they go along. They cover all kinds of genres - film noir, sci-fi, and even musicals (which is sheer brilliance, Hannah and I got to witness them doing musical stuff last night). We'll have classes every Wednesday and next Friday we're going to see one of their shows. Perhaps you should come see us sometime!...unless we're terrible and they never ask us to participate. I'll keep you posted...
I'll be there!
Dude, it was so coooooool, huh!?! Amazed and in awe, it's true. I feel so NOT ready to perform with them...
Jewels I'm so proud of you! Marty and I will get a babysitter and come to the show. Name the date!
Uh hello, When and Where??? I am so there! Is it kind of like Comedy sports? Love it!! I am totaly reminded of all of the great times in Drama class, My favorite was the Chinese subtitle game... do you remember that!?
Awesome, just Awesome!
I'm not even surprised. Congrats! That's awesome.
I wish I could be there!!!
You and Hannah are great. Thanks for being involved. It's only a matter of time ...
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