Thank you for the Birthday comments! I had a fabulous Birthday, indeed. I grabbed some lunch with Cody and the boys and we actually ran into some old friend from Orem Fire - it was fun to chat with them for a bit! Afterwards I went to see Natalie to get my hair done (and I LOVE it - thanks again, Nat!). That night we had a big BBQ with our friends and it was so fun to see everybody! The food was delish and I had lots of Birthday cake.
Kate was in town this weekend so she and I spent Saturday together and did some shopping! First we met up with Hannah and her baby girl for some lunch. Kate also got a Hotel Room so after we shopped a bit we headed back to the room and got ready for the evening. Kate arranged a Birthday Dinner for me and invited the girls! Thank you to everyone who came!! I had the best time, I loved seeing everybody. Tanya and Amelia accompanied Kate and I back to the Hotel after dinner and we spent hours laughing our heads off. Sorry we got you girls home so late! Thanks again to everyone who came to dinner - love you!

Sounds like a great day! Lots of shopping, eating, and laughing. No better way to spend a birthday!
so much to do, so much to do! Ahhh, I love you. I want pics of your 'bedecking'!
Why why do I always look drunk in pictures? I was trying SO HARD not to blink. Fetch.
In other news, that was really fun. Dinner was a BLAST!
Hey happy be-lated birthday! Mine and my baby's birthday was yesterday! 36!!!!!! 36!!!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhhh! I'm getting old! 36 (I'm saying this as I'm whimpering, curled up in the fetal position and sucking my thumb) Looks like you had a great time!
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