Wow! Feels like I've been gone forever. SO much to fill you in on! I've put a few things off for a while (no time to blog about them, you see), but I'm buckling down and putting it all out there. Nobody panic, here we go!
Cody and I just got back from our final trip to Lake Powell this Summer. We went down with his crew from the Fire Dept. and it was SO FUN. We had the BEST time! The weather was gorgeous, the people were rad - couldn't have asked for a better 4 days. We left on Monday and it was storming something fierce here - it was pouring rain and about 46 degrees. Brrrr! It didn't last too long, we were enjoying blue skies in no time. We all rode down in our car - here is everyone squeezed in as we left town:
Jake and Brylee were in the back, Chase and Natalie in the middle, Cody and I in front. They were good sports - space was tight!
Chase and Jake doing acrobatic tricks off the boat...
I was a boat driving pro!
The boys headed up the famous dune in Ice Cream Cone Canyon. Obviously, us girls stayed behind a bit to take some pictures...while debating whether or not we were crazy enough to join them. We were!
Jake wakeboarding - look at that water! There was hardly anyone on the Lake, so we got to cruise around in the middle of the channel with no problems...
Have I mentioned how much I love Cody's crew? Thanks for coming, everyone! We'll have to do it again next Summer...
Cache is FINALLY potty-trained! Well, he has been for a while, but I'm just now blogging about it (because I find it necessary to post about things like this...). Cody and I were having a hard time getting Cache to commit to underpants instead of diapers. See, he had been going in the toilet off and on for months, so he knew how, he just didn't want to. We bribed him with toys, treats, movies, ice cream, scooters - you name it, we offered it. He was adamant - the diapers stayed. Finally I thought of making him a snappy 'Potty Chart' and bought shiny 'Thomas' stickers. I presented him with said chart and started my sales pitch. "Look, Cache! You can put a sticker in the square every time you go potty! And then when you fill up the chart, you get a scooter!!" I don't know what it is about stickers, but it worked! I had to take a picture of him with his chart all filled up - and we promptly owned up to our side of the bargain and got him a Harley Davidson scooter. Woo-Hoo!!
I just recently created some invitations for my parents' neighborhood Lake Powell trip. It's my second year doing them and they are always so much fun to put together! This year I went with a 'Silver Screen' theme - each couple was represented by a famous movie star couple from the 30's and 40's. Here's a sampling of what they looked like:
I created a slide show of pictures from old movies and Lake Powell - all in black and white.
Each couple got their own take board
The finished product! The popcorn bucket contained a roll of tickets, the DVD, the Premier Tickets, a package of popcorn and a golden award.
I also have to mention that it was my Dear Ol' Dad's Birthday on the 4th. Oh, how I adore this man! My Dad is incredible - solid gold. His Birthday was on a Thursday this year - Thursdays always remind me of him. When we were little, our school got out early on Thursdays and my Dad would try to come home early, too so he could spend the day with us. He was the greatest Dad anyone could ask for and is such a fun Granddad to all his grandkids. I still need his guidance, he is always there and he is always so generous - I love you, Dad! Happy Birthday!
There, now! I think we're all caught up! I have many things on my agenda in the coming week - my Birthday, re-listing our house (don't get me started), rehearsals, decorating for's hoping I sail through it with flying colors!
I have missed you so! Thanks for the updates and I LOVE your sticker chart idea! Pure genius!
Um, seven days until we PAR-TAY!
ohhh...that looks so FUN! We have got to go next year! We feel so lame that we couldn't make it down this year!!!
I love that picture of you and Cody and the top...summery!
Lets get together soon!
Oh - and I went to the Hobby Lobby today...yikes! Such great stuff!
Busy, busy, busy! Thanks for the update!
You are too dang crafty! Love those bucket invitations. You're a lucky gal getting to go to Powell again. That really looks like so much fun.
I have missed you too. So glad your back, I am glad you had a great time!!
It looks like you've had a fabulous summer. I love fall, but it's always a little sad saying good-bye to summer. Good job Cache on the potty chart!! Good luck with your busy week, Julia!
Looks like fun...I love boating madness in the summertime. My daughter is a sucker for the stickers too. She gets a goofy sticker for going #2 in the potty, which has given her more motivation than anything else so far. Happy fall season to you.
What? Brian's birthday? I saw him at a wedding reception that night and he didn't say anything.
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