My baby boy turns 1 today. This year has flown by - I can't believe it! Cole is such a little Prince, we love having him in our family. Cole has been such a great baby - he is always talking (my family calls it 'martian speak') and grunting, he will be walking ANY day now and he has the bluest eyes I've ever seen. I love, love, LOVE my little son. He is such a joy, we just adore him...
None so much as Cache, however - they are like two peas in a pod. Cache always wants to be with Cole, always asks where he is. Cole in turn is doing all he can to keep up with his older brother - he is climbing on the furniture and follows Cache into every room. They love to be together!

Happy Birthday, Cole! We love you!!
Happy Birthday Cole! Oh ya, those eyes, I could melt!
Happy Birthday Cole! Where does the time go? Can you believe our babies our 1 already? Knowing that you are his wonderful mother, I have no doubts that his B-day is going to be so memorable (well, at least as much as a 1 year-old can remember!).
Such a cute little man! Happy birthday Cole!
I just love me some brotherhood! It's so great that they have eachother. They will be best friends forever!
Happy birthday Cole!! What a darling boy! Looks like the two bros are close!
I hope that party went well!! The girls weren't here or I totally would have come down. Avella just doesn't get parties yet... ( "
Happy birthday Cole! Wow, your boys are cute. That is so awesome that they love being together.
Happy birthday blue eyes!
cute pics! Happy Birthday Cole!
Happy birthday Cole! What a cutie!
My baby turns 1 on the 16th. (sniff, sniff) Time goes by way too fast!
I absolutely love pictures of brothers! Make my heart flutter!
Happy birthday Cole! It seems like were you just recently anticipating his arrival. I think that just means I'm old because time really flies for me now. He seems like a cutie. We need to meet him though, so come by for a visit ok?
Awwww. That year does fly by. If I remember it clearly. Kinda sad when it's over...
It published my comment twice. Odd.
Oh my gosh, Jewels, he's gorgeous!!! Happy (belated) birthday, kiddo!!
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