What a trip! Cody and I came home Sunday from my family's trip at Lake Powell. I had the best time - it's so fun being on the lake with my family. We spent our Summer's there growing up, so it's always fun to go back with all of us! Cody and I arrived Wednesday evening - check out that sunset! We stowed our stuff on the boat and whipped out Guitar Hero - I will never go to Powell again without it. Turns out I come from a family of closet rock stars.
The next morning we left the slip to go find a beach. Jess was relaxing on the front deck during the ride...
Once we were beached, us girls got thick into planning for Halloween (we're Patches, don't look so surprised). Rich sat and joined us for a bit and was willing show off his fierce temp. tat. He's single ladies - call me.
The men enjoying a bit of badminton...
I don't know what it is, but for some reason my family feels compelled to do a puzzle on every trip to Powell. They finished this one on one of the many lazy afternoons. We were all hanging out up top - reading, sleeping, laying out, swearing over missing puzzle pieces...
My brothers love to dive off the top (and other various surfaces available) and Andrea wanted to try a back dive. Um. It didn't turn out so successful. Here she is laughing at her attempts...she was a good sport! As promised, I didn't include any pictures of her actual dives - but they were hilarious. Love you, Andrea!
My Dad showing the young guys a thing or two about surfing.
We went in to the marina one afternoon and enjoyed some treats before heading back to the boat.
The Snowie!! Thank you Scott and Andrea!! They brought this lovely machine from home and we enjoyed many-a-snow cone. Can life get better?
This was taken while we were enjoying our snow cones on the top of the boat. That was probably my favorite time of the whole trip - we were all up top, listening to music and hanging out. Talking, taking in the view...love the family, love the Lake.
We were having such a great time, we opted to stay an extra day! (Thanks Susan, Steph and Hailey for taking care of stuff while I was gone!). My parents had to get back, so they entrusted the boats to us kids. We had a HUGE thunderstorm during the afternoon - I wish I had pictures! I'll have to snag some and put them up here. We drove through hail and rain from the marina after we dropped my parents off - it was quite the adventure. Once the skies cleared, we took the ski boat over to Labyrinth Canyon.
If you listen carefully in Labyrinth canyon, you can hear "Dance Magic, Dance" faintly in the background...
We parked the boat at a beach and got out to hike. Gorgeous view!
Marty was King of the Mountain. Here he is - and he still hiked higher...
A view of the channel on our way back.
I have other things to fill you in on, patient readers, but I shall end this lengthy post for now. Stay tuned! Lots of info and pictures to come in the next day or two...
I love that you just said "If you listen carefully in Labyrinth canyon, you can hear 'Dance Magic, Dance' faintly in the background..."
And I'm very jealous.
Oh my gosh. Where do you go and I wanna go there too...
So jealous! Glad you weathered the storm and had a great time.
looks like tons of fun! I can not wait another min. hurry Sept. hurry and come!
I am so jealous! I have never been to Lake Powell and your pictures are KILLING ME!!
Oh, Bejeweled, how I loved the post and all the photos! It was so fun at Powell with everyone; I can't wait to do it all again. Thanks so much to you and Cody for taking the time off to be with us---It was priceless! And so are you. . .XO, Mommy
"If you listen carefully in Labyrinth canyon, you can hear "Dance Magic, Dance" faintly in the background..." HAHAHAHAHAHA. Okay, this is just one more reason that I love you so much. You kill me!!! hahaha.
Man, Patches know how to have fun, don't they!
Hi again! So being the Halloween Queen that you are, you probably have already checked out this site...but if you haven't you may find some fun ideas. I immediately thought of you when I came across it!
Ug! I must go to Lake Powell some-day! Jealous, so jealous!
Beautiful! So many Patches...too much fun!:)
So Gorgeous!! Looks like so much fun! I fell bad my hubby has never been to powell! Someday!!!
oh it looks like you had so much fun!!!
oh by the way I'm going to call you right now...
Mmmm, those snow cones look yummy, how fun! And hello miss hottie! What are you talking about we can't be friends, you are way hotter than me, seriously! Looks like a way fun trip with no kiddos!
I second Kate's entry. Haha.
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