"Thou and I are too wise to woo peaceably..."

Doth my stomach turn in unsettlement? Yea, quite profoundly. You scoff to be sure, assuming that my uneasiness is caused by mine own unsurity of performance. Indeed, doubt doth swirl in my gut and above mine eyes in wisps of fear. Be gone! I shall rise to the challenge and deliver my heart with much sincerity! I shall play strong and play true, pouring my soul for all to see! I will humbly partake in this grand adventure, for it is sure to bring me much joy!
Translation: I've been asked to do a Shakespeare musical with the Thrillionaires tonight and next Monday night at the Sundance Summer Theater. We are the pre-show for their running play, "A Midsummer Night's Dream". Am I nervous? Yeah. Not horribly, but it is mixed in with the excitement of the whole thing. You MUST come and see us in action! We'll have music and some costumage. 'Tis sure to be a grand eve of entertainment. Eth.
Just be sure to say, "I am He, for whomst thou seekest" and I will give you twenty bucks.
Good luck! Thou wilst do great!
I want to come see you do Thrillionaires, but I need some info. Will you email me the goods? Great date night idea. Good luck!!!
I love that you were able to say "costumage" and end the post with just the word Eth.
You were FAB!!
Which Monday? Before or after Powell? We would love to come!
How fun! I have to come see you some time! The 'ol schedule is a little hectic right now. Keep us posted about all of the Thrillionaires upcoming events!
That is AWESOME! I hope you have a blast. Alas,I must work both nights but I will be thinking of you and am sure you will do wonderfully!! Have fun!
I totally want to come and see it, but I need more details! Will you email me said details, or a link? pedersen_home@msn.com. Break a leg!
You're awesome!
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