I have NO idea where May went! It's all a blur of BBQ's and house selling. We've been spending a lot of time outside and it's been fabulous. I love going out to water the flowers and having the boys run around the yard. We BBQ'd on Monday and Tuesday night and I forsee many more in the coming weeks! Here's Cody and Cache playing catch while waiting for the steaks to grill...
Cole putting rocks in the lawn mower. Awesome.

I sliced up some strawberries and made some cornbread muffins to have with dinner. I finally caved and used my cute, stripy cupcake cups that I got from
bake it pretty (Heather! I couldn't help myself, I had to use them...). Have you been to that site? Everyone I know is a fan, you should check it out, addiction will quickly follow.

Yesterday was pretty basic - the boys and I ran some errands, played outside, ate dinner. Then I found out that my dear friend
Ann is on bed rest until her baby boy makes his appearance (she's due in two weeks!) and I realized it would be the perfect time to loan her my 'Twilight' DVD. I've been meaning to loan it to her for months and bed rest would certainly be sweeter with a little Vampire action! I threw together some treats to go along with the movie and started to get the boys ready. Cache was very concerned that Ann wasn't feeling too well and insisted that we bring a book for her to read. The conversation went something like this...
C: "Why is Ann not feeling very well?"
J: "Well, she has a baby in her tummy and needs to take it easy..."
C: "Is she at the hospital?"
J: "No, not yet. But when she is, we'll go see her, ok?"
C: "I think I need to read her a book, that will make her feel better."
J: "Um, dude, I don't think we'll be there very long, I'm just going to drop these things off."
C: "How about you read the book to her and then she'll feel better."
Um, so cute and thoughtful. He took his time choosing the perfect book and finally settled on this one.

A Halloween book? Is he my kid, or what? We have many things planned in the next couple of days, May is going to go out with a bang!
I love that you raised Cache to be SO thoughtful. What a good Mommy you are!
Love you and miss you already! MWAH!
Love that---Halloween Bugs----what a cutie!
Sounds like you are having great days in the sun---enjoy, enjoy!
Hey girl! I gave you an award over on my blog!
Also---could you vote for me for June best blog at MMB? I NEED a ton of votes---I am way behind!
So, cute of both of you and it for sure made my day!
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