So much going on in this little head of mine. So much going on and coming up! Lets see, where to begin...I am finishing up the (awesome) invites for my parents Annual Lake Powell trip, I need to rebuild a website for PG Players, Cole's Birthday party is Friday and I have a Thrillionaires show on Saturday night (a John Hughes Tribute show). And that's just this weekend...
But lets not talk about that! Lets talk about the fact that it's almost Fall and I'm so, so very excited. It's my favorite season, after all. Lets talk about the fact that Halloween ideas are also swimming around in my head - ideas for our party invitations, decorating, costumes, food. I went into Michaels yesterday to pick up some things for the Powell invites and happened upon Martha Stewart's Halloween collection. It was great. All of it. Great. I immediately called my sister (because good Halloween decor demands it) and gushed about all the gloriousness thereof. I picked up a few choice pieces and exercised restraint on others.
Along with the excitement of Halloween comes the anticipation of all the Fallidays. We are hosting Thanksgiving this year in what I hope will be a new kitchen. Turkey, apple pie, naps...all good things. Then Christmas! I am already dreaming of snow and Christmas music and using our woodburning stove. Eeee!
It's no wonder my head is swimming, I have this problem with anticipation. I get so excited! Something I'm super excited about? These.

I better get back to my crowded mind pool, more random thoughts to come - just you wait.