Happy August! Summer is nearing an end, never a good thing. Now is the time to pack in BBQ's, days at the pool and lounging in the shade. I now have a rad deck which is perfect for Summery functions. Have I held one yet? No. I need to get on that...I have wanted to host a BBQ here ever since we bought this house. We are not totally moved in, but does that matter? Will you all come anyway? Bringing some Potato Salad, perhaps? Ooh! Maybe we could make it a 'demolish the kitchen' party, too! "Come, have some salad, knock out a wall". Whatever the theme, it must happen while the weather is warm. Executive Decision: Jolley House Warming BBQ! Saturday, August 22nd. Invites to follow.

Speaking of savoring the Summer, I went Halloween shopping yesterday. I know! I called my Mom yesterday and we decided to hit some stores to scout out their spooky wares. I was extremely impressed with our control, we could have blown many dollars on furry spiders and haunted houses. Our first stop was The Gatehouse in Orem - their Holiday stuff is always SO great. We lunched at 5 Guys Burger (again, SO great) and my Dad joined us for a spell. Afterwards we hit Michaels where I found a few treasures. This glittery skull stand is great to put by a bathroom sink (what, you don't decorate your bathrooms around the Holidays?). I loved these busts of Frankenstein and his Bride. The bag of bones was super cheap and perfect for covering in glitter!

A' la Martha...

We grabbed some treats on our way out the door, there's something so fancy about gold foil-wrapped chocolate. We ended the afternoon at DownEast Home where they don't have any Halloween stuff, but they
did have a cute teal dress that my Mom and I both bought.
It was a lovely, fall obsessed afternoon. I even got to drive our orange Scout around. That felt pretty Summery.
ah, i've been wanting to do the glitered bones. i did the apothecary jars of bones last year, but never found the big ones-only itty bitty ones. where did you find your bag o bones?
I miss Provo SO much this time of year. Maybe I need to take off ALL of next summer to spend there. Hmmm I'll ask work . . .
Ooh, I like the glittery bones, and want to see the teal dress!
I like your blog its entertaining and you crack me up..
Are you scared to be alone at home need security
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