1 - Going to a craft store can inspire you and crush all your dreams. You get all excited planning your next project, imagining said project on display in your home causing a flood of compliments and admiration...only to slowly realize that you're not that clever and you don't have the time or skills and you're not Martha Stewart. Thanks, craft stores.
2 - Fall fashion is starting to surface. Be still my beating heart...
3 - I should probably fall in love with a new style of dining furniture, bein's that the style I want can run anywhere from $2,000 - $26,000. Yes. Twenty. Six. Grand.

4 - I was once mocked for wearing an apron whilst cooking. I don't know what it is about wearing an apron, but once I put that on I know how to make every dish on this planet. I can also keep house like Donna Reed. I don't wear an apron all the time...Heaven knows the kind of power those things contain.
5 - Using a power drill, even if just to remove a shelf from the wall, makes me feel like I can take on any home improvement project by myself. You and I both know that would never happen, thanks to the reality check I have in craft stores.
he he he. i wore an apron today when i attempted my first apple pie "mac" style (like this one: http://www.evilmadscientist.com/article.php/ApplePie). i never would have attempted the task sans apron. they do contain muchas power. especially when worn over a skirt.
$26,000 really? Oh, dear. You read the same magazines I do. (What a world.) BUT, I have no doubt that Donna Reed and Martha should watch their collective house tending and home crafting backs---especially if you're wearing your apron and wielding your drill! You go, girl. . .
Do you love Windsor chairs? Me too!
I had been looking for them----affordable ones for years!
Then, a restaurant that we lived near in NH had a sale as they were redecorating----they were getting rid of all their antique Windsors, for----guess? I believe I paid 30.00 a piece for them. Oh, joy!!
And I love them still....
Blast it! I thought that I was myself for a moment....
I for one was inspired by your apron wearing and I now have several in my collection! It makes me feel cute while cooking PLUS, we all know how my kateastrophes go so I NEED an apron in a bad bad way!
So, come for a BBQ. This week. Really. Let's actually do it. Like...Thursday or Saturday. Call Tim.
Here is what I know... I like your blog its entertaining and you crack me up, you put together amazing girly trips for your friends, your boys are cute, you and your hubby compliment eachother well, and YOU DON'T visit my blog anymore HA! ;)
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