One lazy afternoon we set up obstacle courses.
Snow cones! My sister brings her snow cone machine each year and they are always so tasty. I may have to go get one of those today.
Jess and Randi, painting nails.
Wake surfing. Look! No rope!

Cody had to leave on Saturday, so when we took him to the Marina, we grabbed icy treats. Popsicle runs are a must.
Love him. And shiny sun block is the bomb.
After we dropped Cody off, we hiked up to Wahweap Windows. Have you ever done that? So, so beautiful. I took so many pictures and none of them capture how cool that place is...
Rock Band! So fun. Thanks S&A for bringing it! I'm sure my 'Livin' on a Prayer' performance would have made Jon Bon quite proud.
My Dad brought gear for us to make rockets and it was SO much fun! Here is Randi, Dad, Andrea and Rich assembling air jets on top of the boat.
Andrea with her gaggle.

On Sunday we drove up to Dangling Rope Marina for lunch. On the way, we stopped in Wetherill Canyon and swam and sunned for a few hours. That canyon was SO pretty. We haven't gone that far up the Lake in years and I forgot how beautiful it is. It's downright emotional, friends. Powell is epic. That night we made smores on the beach. To be honest, I'm not a smore fan. But toasted marshmallows? Yums.

I was sad to leave, that trip was a total blast. I love my family. These trips are so important and I couldn't have spent that week with more incredible people, I'm so lucky to have them. It's the only time Cody and I will make it to the Lake this year and that makes me sad, but when the only trip is solid gold? I can live with that.
I will have to agree with you about Powell being the best place on Earth! I grew up loving that place and for those who have never been there, they are missing out. The snow cone machine sounds like the BEST idea for Powell!
I haven't been there in five years last week. I think I need to remedy that STAT!
I love your family and I love hearing about your fun trips but selfishly I'm so glad you're home so we can call each other and plan parties!!!
hooray for Lake Powell!! My hubby had never been and so we need to go sometime!!! He would LOVE it!! gald you had so much fun!!
Dearest Jewels, you are a wonderful photographer and reporter! Thank you for all these great pics and the detailed report of our Powell festivities. I think we need to do it again in September...what do you think?
I only have one question for you:
Herd of sheep...
Flock of birds...
Covey of quail...
Pride of lions...
Gaggle of rockets?????
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