My Grandparents have lived in the same home for as long as I can remember. Their home is filled with so many memories of family parties, dinners, my bridal shower - we spent a lot of time there.
Years ago Marty and I spent a month or two of early mornings there to do family genealogy. My Grandmother worked so hard to make sure that her family's Temple work was done. Marty and I would enter names into the computer for a few hours...and we would sometimes laugh about some of the names we came across. "Needham, Dewey....Dewey Needham....'Do we need him?' Hahaha!" Then my Grandmother would come in and tell us to respect our ancestors.
It was such a great, beautiful home! Rich was asked to take some pictures so everyone could remember exactly how the home looked. I stopped by and took some pictures, as well. It was weird going into each room and walking around the yard knowing that there wouldn't be any reason to come back there. It was also made clear how completely amazing my Grandparents were.
See? I told you she was a glamorous woman!

My Grandparents were so devoted to the Gospel, I loved this huge Book of Mormon in their living room.

My Granddad's collection of National Geographic magazines. Think that's impressive? He also has every Ensign since 1976.

How tender is this? My Granddad's hat was hanging in the garage.

..he was a handsome chap.

So fitting - this was on my Grandmother's fridge.

Their backyard was something to behold. It used to be filled with fruit trees when we were younger that we used to Granddad wasn't too happy about that.

The living room filled with my Aunts and Uncles, some of the greatest people on the planet.

The funeral on Saturday was so beautiful. My Grandmother was referred to as a "Lady of Ladies", so very true. It was great to see so much of my extended family (there's like 300 of us...seriously) and catch up with cousins that I don't see very often.
My beautiful sisters.

It's no secret that I love my family - I think it's the most important thing in the world and I'm so grateful for them. What a blessing that families are forever! What a wonderful, eternal promise. I'm really looking forward to sitting down and having a chat with Dewey Needham.