Even though our house is all torn up, we wanted to have a little party for him. I thought of having a little drive-in movie night where all of his friends could make their own 'cars' out of cardboard boxes. Here is the invite:

I included this little film strip how-to to help guests create their cars.

I was so impressed by everyone's creations! It was awesome that everyone got involved.
Here are the license plates I created for the boys. "Birthday Boy" and "Cash Money", one of Cache's nicknames.

The boys loved their cars and are still using them to watch movies, matter of fact. I highly recommend making some for your kids, you'll be a hero.
We had dinner on the deck and Cody's sister made super delish cupcakes (thanks, Steph!). After we sang to Cole, it was present time.
He got some great gifty's and was especially excited about...
A new bike! He loves this thing, rides it all the time.
Happy Birthday to my darling boy! We are so lucky to have you in our family and we love you so much...now put your clothes back on.
so cute! I'm sorry we couldn't make it! We celebrated Stella's birthday that night with Jim's family...both our little monkeys have been sick so I didn't do a big party. We need to get together soon!
Hope you guys are great...
love him! love the party idea! I can't believe he is three! Time for a baby!?
How wonderful is this post, and how AMAZING is Cole's mom?? Love you so much and Happy Birthday to a fabulous grandson!
Happy Birthday Cole! I love that kid.
This is such a cute idea, darling! I love it! Happy Birthday, Cole!
Can't believe my nakey baby is 3. 3! Love him, love you, live the bag love the shoes, love everything, love to ;)
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