What a weekend! We have had loads going on the past few days and it's been marvelous. Labor Day weekend is kind of Summer's last hurrah (unless you count my Birthday which is THIS weekend) and we made sure to enjoy every minute.

Kate came in town on Thursday and Friday I had her all to myself for a few hours! We borrowed my Dad's Scout (yeah, I'm still borrowing my Dad's car like I'm 16) and drove around in the sun. Kate spent a lot of time with me driving around when we were young, so we decided to cruise around Provo. We drove down 900 East, got bevs, drove down Center street and looked at cool houses, drove up University Avenue and up to Orem to stop at Planted Earth - one of my favorite shops.

We perused their wares and I came away with this lovely little mug. I then introduced her to The Chocolate...and we stuffed ourselves silly.

I had my delicious 3-tier chocolate cake with a tall glass of milk while Kate enjoyed a 3-tier yellow cake topped with chocolate ganache' and a cookie. And some ice cream.

2 minutes later...

If that wasn't enough calories, we then lunched at Cafe Rio. I mean, we had salads, but their salads are the size of a Thanksgiving Day turkey. Needless to say, we could barely move and we were moaning a lot. I love her. Such a great afternoon!

That night I went to rehearsal. Oh, I have an announcement to make: I'm in a show! A few weeks ago I was cast as Vera Claythorne in 'And Then There Were None'. Such a perfect, mysterious show for the Halloween season. The cast is fantastic - tons of people I've never worked with before and they are all so great. I'm super excited, it's opens October 5th so come and see it!!
Saturday I met up with Kate, Rhonda (who was also in town - win!) and Karen for lunch! I love these girls...so much so that I didn't even take a picture. So just picture 4 girls having lunch and laughing their heads off. Because that's what we did.

That night we celebrated my Dad's 60th Birthday at my parents house. We bbq'd and talked and laughed and watched the BYU game...love me some family time. Marty helped Randi and I with the husking of the corn.
Andrea sent a box of Birthday goods and inside was the banner for my Dad. So true.

Ahhh, Canada Dry Ginger Ale. My Dad's all-time favorite beverage.

Watching the BYU game.

We wrapped up the night by watching some old slides. My family has boxes, and BOXES of slides. It's a fun little tradition we have to go through them all and relive our childhood. Great night.
What did we do on Labor Day? Manual Labor, of course! We worked on our kitchen and made some GREAT progress...but I will have to post those pictures in a separate BK Update post. For now? I'm going to see what I can do about getting a weekend repeat.
Want. To. Come. Back!!
Love you and miss you already.
sounds like the perfect weekend...and I totally need to check out that chocolate place! yum!
What a fun time! Congrats on your new part in the show. PLEASE let me know the details of play and Amanda and I will come see you! Have a happy birthday! P.S. Guess who I ran into at the Pickleville playhouse in Garden City, UT (Bear Lake)? Jared Sauders and his wife. His brother was in the show Crazy For You up there. It was fun to see him again.
Sounds like fun! The Chocolate is one of my favorite places. I take my girls there on a date sometimes and we enjoy a treat and read some books. Such a cute atmosphere, and yummy treat.
Gah!! I miss you. And chocolate. But you most of all.
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